måndag 6 september 2010

Swedish lesson 2, Cruel or simply awesome?

We have had the honor of having two visitors here from America, Joy and Mel.
Mel left this morning but during the time she was here I got to translate some jokes and phrases to her. And that reminded me that I haven`t had any more swedish lessons here online since like june.


Well, one of the phrases or word games perhaps I should call it, that I got to teach Mel was this one:

Grymt (pronounced Greemt) means = cruel, or awesome or its the sound the pig makes.

Confusing huh? Usually used to say that someone is awesome, but don´t say to someone who is old, they will think you mean they are cruel or that you are talking about pigs.

Since I am on the subject I might aswell give you some more swedish lessons;
The swedish launguage has all the letters that english has, but we have three more :O!!!
Theese are
1. å (pronounced like a deep ooo)
2. ä (like a harsh ahh)
3. ö (I dont think you have that sound in english)

Ö is not only a letter, but it also means Island, or it is the word we use when we stumble in our speech, like uuhmm.

So this was the lesson for today, I hope you all learned some valuable things!

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