tisdag 1 februari 2011

Real life-life in Jesus

There are thousands and thousands of children and youth today in Sweden that feel so miserable that they are willing to take their lives.
They live a life full of anxiety,no safe place to be, no one to trust, no one who tells them what life is about.
How do I know?
I used to be one of them.
This is such a cliche if you heard it, but not if you lived it.
Today I found out that someone I knew no longer is alive because of this reason.
That should not happen.
It could have been me.
I could have been the one who had no more strenght left.
The one that couldn´t see what life is for

THE ONLY difference is Jesus.
I was found by God, and I accepted Him in my life, He is the difference!
Now you can say there is no such thing as God, that Jesus never really died for our sake. But I am alive in Him today not by words but by action.
He transforms, he delivers, he gives life, he loves and forgives.
Not only by words but by making a change on the inside.
By wiping away tears, by making a sad person a happy one.
But also by healing from sickness, giving the blind eyesight, the deaf their hearing!

I have seen this, and I have experienced this myself! Not just heard of it.
He transformed me, into a person who is happy now.
he used me, to pray for people who are sick and actually see them healed.
Jesus is alive and he gives a real reason to live.

Why am I saying this?
I dont want to hear anymore that someone died because they didn´t know that their life was so valuable that God himself paid the HIGHEST price for it.
Instead of being so stubborn and and work against God, why dont you just give your heart to the one who will take care of it the best. He protects it, heals it, and loves you.

To good to be true, unrealistic, childish you might say.
But all I know is that I, who once were miserable beoyond words now have a joy for real. A true love in my life.
And that I am not ashamed of. And that I want you to have.
Yes you, you, who have a great life with all the stuff you need but feel unsatisfied.
You, who cry every night
You, who feel pain in your chest when you think of the future.
It does not matter who you are
You can have peace with God today through Jesus
Just pray honest from your heart
Believe in your heart, confess with your mouth and He will hear you!
And please if you need someone, come to Soschurch in Stockholm,
we want to have you there!

1 kommentar:

  1. Jesus' love is so amazing, living for him is living the real life!
