onsdag 29 december 2010
It has been snowing..a little..and the cars slide and people are talking and everybody are cold..and all I am thinking is they should try Sweden. A winter wonderland!
måndag 27 december 2010
Sick on Christmas
After waiting and flying and waiting and flying for A WHOLE DAY I finally arrived at St Louis. The first thing that happened when my aunt picked me up is that she gets ill out of nowhere and starts throwing up, just when I arrive..weird.
The next day she feels a bit better but still alittle sick..
Then on Christmas eve night my little cousin gets sick..
and then on Christmas day I start throwing up..WHAT ON EARTH!
And the next day my uncle feels ill..so here we are a bunch of sickos recovering!
Ok, now something totally different, on Christmas eve I found out that I have a bunch of relatives here! I did not know that! I was so surprised..we went to dinner at a house that one of them owns and I got to meet them, that was alot of fun! There are alot of Viamontes around theese areas. Although in Sweden there is only three of us as far as I know.
The next day she feels a bit better but still alittle sick..
Then on Christmas eve night my little cousin gets sick..
and then on Christmas day I start throwing up..WHAT ON EARTH!
And the next day my uncle feels ill..so here we are a bunch of sickos recovering!
Ok, now something totally different, on Christmas eve I found out that I have a bunch of relatives here! I did not know that! I was so surprised..we went to dinner at a house that one of them owns and I got to meet them, that was alot of fun! There are alot of Viamontes around theese areas. Although in Sweden there is only three of us as far as I know.
tisdag 21 december 2010
Wow wow wow, what an evening! Had the bibleschool Christmas party with the theme Musical...I came as a dreamgirl with Lea..so we painted outselves brown and I had on an afrowig! But..my eyes are so itchy and sleepy and I have packing to do, I leave in three hours! I have redbull on my mind..but soon I will be seeing my uncle and family! And in the Usa it is daytime, so I better get used to it.
måndag 20 december 2010
Singing christmas carols
Yesterday me Lea and Pirri were on our way to the church for the last christmas show and just started to sing..like we do sometimes :)
The people on the train were looking at us, not so sure what they were thinking.
Then a man is getting of the train and all of the sudden he turns to me and says, wow that was amazing and puts 30 kronor in my pocket haha.
On our way to the sub we stop and sing alittle more, for ten minutes.
During this time some more people walk up to us and give us money..a total of 90!
That was so hilarious and so much fun!
We ended up buying 2 boxes of nice chocalte and put it out in the dressing room for those in the show!
It was fun spreading some Christmas joy :)and then doing it even more on the actual show!
What a show, what amazing people! I almost wish it was christmas more often, such a great time to reach out to Stockholm, telling then about the true meaning of Christmas. That Jesus came to give the greatest gift of all, that is forgivness!
If you feel like you do not have this Christmas joy and you mostly long for it to be over, I want to tell you that the greatest gift is for you too. You can receive it and have the greatest Christmas of your life. Not cause you get a buch of stuff or because you heard some carols. But cause you received what its all about!
He came, he grew up, he had no fault in him, but he paid the price of YOUR mistakes and he died instead of you, so that you could live a life full of meaning. If you want to feel what a family is, and what true love from above truly is come to Sos Church at warfvinges väg 26 stadshagen, every sunday 16.00, and get to know more!
Next year can be a brand new start for you, let the meaning of Christmas become something real to you more than just a sweet song!
Merry Christmas to you! And remember, Christmas is a love story, about how God loves you so much that he gave you the greatest gift of all! Unwrap it, receive it and keep for the rest of the year and not just this season! The christmas joy is meant to be a life joy! Once again, merry Christmas!
The people on the train were looking at us, not so sure what they were thinking.
Then a man is getting of the train and all of the sudden he turns to me and says, wow that was amazing and puts 30 kronor in my pocket haha.
On our way to the sub we stop and sing alittle more, for ten minutes.
During this time some more people walk up to us and give us money..a total of 90!
That was so hilarious and so much fun!
We ended up buying 2 boxes of nice chocalte and put it out in the dressing room for those in the show!
It was fun spreading some Christmas joy :)and then doing it even more on the actual show!
What a show, what amazing people! I almost wish it was christmas more often, such a great time to reach out to Stockholm, telling then about the true meaning of Christmas. That Jesus came to give the greatest gift of all, that is forgivness!
If you feel like you do not have this Christmas joy and you mostly long for it to be over, I want to tell you that the greatest gift is for you too. You can receive it and have the greatest Christmas of your life. Not cause you get a buch of stuff or because you heard some carols. But cause you received what its all about!
He came, he grew up, he had no fault in him, but he paid the price of YOUR mistakes and he died instead of you, so that you could live a life full of meaning. If you want to feel what a family is, and what true love from above truly is come to Sos Church at warfvinges väg 26 stadshagen, every sunday 16.00, and get to know more!
Next year can be a brand new start for you, let the meaning of Christmas become something real to you more than just a sweet song!
Merry Christmas to you! And remember, Christmas is a love story, about how God loves you so much that he gave you the greatest gift of all! Unwrap it, receive it and keep for the rest of the year and not just this season! The christmas joy is meant to be a life joy! Once again, merry Christmas!
tisdag 14 december 2010
Promises for new years

Ok, soon it will be a new year and it is time to figure out stuff that you will try n keep during the year. So maybe, just maybe it is time to be a little realistic.
Come on, you will NOT loose 50 kilos and write a book and learn to play 2 instruments and travel half of the earth and become the worlds most holy person in one year. Been there, done that. Does not work.
Another mistake that is common is to put a big blurry goal and then you did not make an actaul plan to reach it.
For instanse; I want to be closer to God, or I want be healthy..ok..but in what way, and what do you need to do to reach it?
I have a goal next year!
I will get my drivers license! So maybe next time I go to the States (after this time I mean) I will actually get to drive my uncles jeep! And oh...I promised to START writing a book..promise you will read it when it is done ;)
måndag 13 december 2010
A fearful Stockholm
Today I was in central Stockholm and the police was there and the people around me, both there and on the subway seem so scared. What happened is something very strange to our nation. Sweden is a place where people feel safe, and where people from warzones can find security. That is a big blessing for all nationalities and I want to keep it that way.
Hug the people around you, encourage the ones from middle east, middle east does NOT equal terrorist. Shine your light and comfort those who are frightened.
We should pray; pray that this will be the first and last time this happened.
That fear will be broken. Pray that rasism will not get a grip because of this.
Your prayers make a difference! So I urge you to pray for Stockholm, pray with me.
Hug the people around you, encourage the ones from middle east, middle east does NOT equal terrorist. Shine your light and comfort those who are frightened.
We should pray; pray that this will be the first and last time this happened.
That fear will be broken. Pray that rasism will not get a grip because of this.
Your prayers make a difference! So I urge you to pray for Stockholm, pray with me.
lördag 11 december 2010
My amazing Stockholm!
Stockholm, a city full of different nationalities, a city full of possibilities. A place that has a pulse, and at the same time a beauty, with peaceful nature.
I love this city, and I love the fact that it is so intergrated.
But today something happened that is not for this city, and does not belong here.
A man blew himself up in central Stockholm, as a threat against the swedish people.
I am not swedish by blood, but I love this nation as my own, and this city where I grew up. This amazing country that let people in. That gives security and help for those in trouble. There are alot of things that could be better, but lets be thankful for all the things that are so great about this nation. Lets erase the us and them and lets take this nation to our hearts and work for a better place instead of fighting eachother, and end this hatred.
I just feel like people need to get more proud of Sweden, and stand up for whats good in this country. THIS COUNTRY GIVES YOU A CHANCE that you could not get in soooo many other places on earth! There will never be a place where everyone will think like you or do everything the way you want it to, but we do not hurt eachother for that. this country speaks for freedom to believe whatever you want and if you want that freedom, do not take it from anyone else.
I wanna build a safe Stockholm, a peaceful Stockholm, a Stockholm I can be proud of.
I just wanted to lift this amazing city when so many speak down on it, cause I love this city. I only want good for this city because this OUR Stockholm!
I love this city, and I love the fact that it is so intergrated.
But today something happened that is not for this city, and does not belong here.
A man blew himself up in central Stockholm, as a threat against the swedish people.
I am not swedish by blood, but I love this nation as my own, and this city where I grew up. This amazing country that let people in. That gives security and help for those in trouble. There are alot of things that could be better, but lets be thankful for all the things that are so great about this nation. Lets erase the us and them and lets take this nation to our hearts and work for a better place instead of fighting eachother, and end this hatred.
I just feel like people need to get more proud of Sweden, and stand up for whats good in this country. THIS COUNTRY GIVES YOU A CHANCE that you could not get in soooo many other places on earth! There will never be a place where everyone will think like you or do everything the way you want it to, but we do not hurt eachother for that. this country speaks for freedom to believe whatever you want and if you want that freedom, do not take it from anyone else.
I wanna build a safe Stockholm, a peaceful Stockholm, a Stockholm I can be proud of.
I just wanted to lift this amazing city when so many speak down on it, cause I love this city. I only want good for this city because this OUR Stockholm!
Party party
Woke up this morning and walked into my kitchen, to find a huge mess! But I love this type of mess, it is the having alot of people over mess!
We had a moving in party yesterday, and it was so much fun! More people came than I expected since we made our invitations two days before. But every room was full with people! It was a great mix of old and new found friends! Thanks all for coming!
Now we have cleaned during the morning and I am off to another moving in party, alot of people moving to theese areas, thats great!
We had a moving in party yesterday, and it was so much fun! More people came than I expected since we made our invitations two days before. But every room was full with people! It was a great mix of old and new found friends! Thanks all for coming!
Now we have cleaned during the morning and I am off to another moving in party, alot of people moving to theese areas, thats great!
måndag 29 november 2010
I am such a rolemodel :)

I work as a nanny, which is a job I totally love at this point of life..anyways a few weeks ago I taught my eight year old a very valuable and important expression: SL minutes,it means that if the minute sign shows a certain amount of minutes it does not necesserily mean that it will come in exactly those minutes. So the expression basically means that one minute can be 3 minutes or ten seconds..it is so so.
So today while we were walking by a train, he says; But Sanna, when we were downstairs the minute sign said 3 minutes, how can the train already be here! and I answer, well you know.. it can change.
And do you know what he says!!!!! He says; Sooo pure SL minutes!!
Hahahaha, I am so proud of him, now I know that I got be part of shaping his life!
söndag 21 november 2010
Smile experiment!
Today Walter was preaching, and it was so good!
He was talking about that God is not limited the way we are, so we need to put our faith in Him! But I espacially liked the part where he said:
Nobody wants to talk to someone who looks grumpy, being sour makes you limited!
So I figured I will take a whole day and really smile alot alot alot towards people and see what the difference will be! Must make a big difference, since it is raining constantly! So I challenge you to try it too, and see if maybe everyone seems alot happier back too, usually it works that way :)
He was talking about that God is not limited the way we are, so we need to put our faith in Him! But I espacially liked the part where he said:
Nobody wants to talk to someone who looks grumpy, being sour makes you limited!
So I figured I will take a whole day and really smile alot alot alot towards people and see what the difference will be! Must make a big difference, since it is raining constantly! So I challenge you to try it too, and see if maybe everyone seems alot happier back too, usually it works that way :)
fredag 19 november 2010
Lost all the time
Ok, this is just crazy...how extremly can you actually suck at finding the way!
I have lived in alby for 3 days and the first day we drove around for like 2,5 hours on a route that should take 15 minutes. Then we got lost the second day again!!! And now third day it took me like two hours getting home cause we went too far the wrong way! Tomorrow is a new day, and perhaps I wont get lost...perhaps
At least I am seeing alot of my beautiful city and learning new ways, and get alot of time to get to know my roomie since we always get lost together!
I have lived in alby for 3 days and the first day we drove around for like 2,5 hours on a route that should take 15 minutes. Then we got lost the second day again!!! And now third day it took me like two hours getting home cause we went too far the wrong way! Tomorrow is a new day, and perhaps I wont get lost...perhaps
At least I am seeing alot of my beautiful city and learning new ways, and get alot of time to get to know my roomie since we always get lost together!
torsdag 18 november 2010
new house
Sitting in my new house, eating from a plastic plate with a spoon. we only have two spoons and one pot! Stuff everywhere, and chaos!
Yesterday was a long but fun day, driving all day getting our stuff,Coffe and Eric helped us out taking the heavy stuff, good thing you have good friends!
I am like a puppy, hugging my room, dancing in the bathroom! Our place is so nice and we are already friends with our neighbour!
Back to packing up!
Yesterday was a long but fun day, driving all day getting our stuff,Coffe and Eric helped us out taking the heavy stuff, good thing you have good friends!
I am like a puppy, hugging my room, dancing in the bathroom! Our place is so nice and we are already friends with our neighbour!
Back to packing up!
söndag 7 november 2010
The Norweigan moose
This weekend I went to Oslo for the first time to add some adventure to the everyday life. Me and Maria F took the car at 8.30 pm after she finished working and drove for 6 hours, she was a hero being awake while I was awake but was barely able to talk.
Cute city, very cozy and european. I liked it,bought a little norweigan moose for my fridge. They also have a CRAZY skiing hill that looks like you would die if you go on it, holmenkollen I think was the name..I will never go on it, EVER!!!!
And ohh, this weekend was the first weekend I was allowed to eat sugar after an entire month of sugarfree lifestyle..
The result= I ate cookies and chocalate but I feel like I have an overdose of sugar in my body now..I think I wanna go back to the sugarfree life. I felt so much better and its not even that good, mostly ate it cuz I was allowed.
Well, back to fruit and kesella, fish and bulgur!!! Love it!!
Cute city, very cozy and european. I liked it,bought a little norweigan moose for my fridge. They also have a CRAZY skiing hill that looks like you would die if you go on it, holmenkollen I think was the name..I will never go on it, EVER!!!!
And ohh, this weekend was the first weekend I was allowed to eat sugar after an entire month of sugarfree lifestyle..
The result= I ate cookies and chocalate but I feel like I have an overdose of sugar in my body now..I think I wanna go back to the sugarfree life. I felt so much better and its not even that good, mostly ate it cuz I was allowed.
Well, back to fruit and kesella, fish and bulgur!!! Love it!!
torsdag 4 november 2010
Moving until I move
Today I am moving into Willkanders house while they are in Usa and until I move to my new place.
This year has been crazy, I have lived in 5 places during one year and Alby will be my 6th place.
I have lived in a big room of my own with a huge closet, in a small closetlike crazy pink room where I had to take the bus 6:30 every morning to be on time for school.
I have lived in a big house and shared room sleeping on a madras on the floor, and I also had a cozy room but all my stuff were in boxes.
Then I lived in a one room appartment that was as big as my first bedroom, and I shared this appartment= no privacy what so ever. Now I am going to willkanders guestroom, and then FINALLY I am moving to my own place with a BIG bedroom and TWO closets!
Now I feel that I can relate to that word that says; I can live in the overflow but I can also live in all simplicity, haha..I can live with a suitcase and a closet.
This year has been crazy, I have lived in 5 places during one year and Alby will be my 6th place.
I have lived in a big room of my own with a huge closet, in a small closetlike crazy pink room where I had to take the bus 6:30 every morning to be on time for school.
I have lived in a big house and shared room sleeping on a madras on the floor, and I also had a cozy room but all my stuff were in boxes.
Then I lived in a one room appartment that was as big as my first bedroom, and I shared this appartment= no privacy what so ever. Now I am going to willkanders guestroom, and then FINALLY I am moving to my own place with a BIG bedroom and TWO closets!
Now I feel that I can relate to that word that says; I can live in the overflow but I can also live in all simplicity, haha..I can live with a suitcase and a closet.
lördag 30 oktober 2010
3 weeks

We have a subject called healthcare in leadership school, that is about how to eat and exercise right, with a really good teacher Omid dadary that inspired the class to go for a healthy diet for 4 weeks, with eating only on certain times, only eating the right amount of food (different for different people) and no sweets during this time.
Three weeks later...
I have one more week left now, and the result has been so far that I have loads of real energy (not coffee based) my stomic is almost never swollen anymore cuz I basically only eat whole grain and my skinny jeans are not so tight anymore.
This lifestyle is good, because it is not a temporary diet to loose weight but you eat real food and feel good, and I like it.
so I will continue but not as extreme, sweets sometimes :)
soon we will have Omid in how to exercise effectively, I am looking forward to it.
torsdag 28 oktober 2010
God does not fit into your head

Just because you can not fit the ocean into a glas it does not mean the ocean does not exist. Just because you can not fit God into your mind does not mean He does not exist. This is one of my favourite quotes.
But you know what, sometimes it is like that even with believers. I have been a christian for 6 years this month and alot of the mindsets that I had have changed.
Like I thaught that Gods love depended on what I did or did not do, and my problems were soo overwhelming to me that my prayers a lot of the time were about the problems. Now that is a very common problem amongst alot of people.
But you know what, just because you cannot fit Gods plan into your head does not mean He does not have a plan for you.
And God is not made small because your problems are big in your head.
I realized that I do not have to worry about that I need to be strong, or that I need to understand everything. Is not God great enough to teach me all the things I need to know.
He is great enough to show me how to pray, to show me how to love, to show me how to treat people, to show what to do in every situation. HE IS GREAT even when my thaughts are small.
And if you think Gods love depends on your ups and downs, then man, God must change His mind alot of the time, BUT my friends, that is not the case!!!
He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. And the good thing is that the same means;
He is good
He is faithful
He is strong
He is a loving God who gave his life for you
He is powerful
He is love and love is described in 1 Cor.13..
Why would He pay such a high price to win your heart and then reject you?
Makes no sense.
So evenif you do not understand God, He understands you
Come to Him, give your heart and let Him do the work in you instead of trying to figure everything out on your own.
måndag 25 oktober 2010
Ding dong merrily on high

Planning the Christmas show together Linnea, Eli and also Piritta on skype who currently is in Finland.
It is going to be sooooooooooooo insanly good!
I totally love Christmas and I am longing for December. The city drowns in the Christmas atmosphere in december.food, smells, MUSIC!!
So make sure you make room in your calender for this show
It will be 16-19th of december, Sos Christmas show! Be there!! I can barely wait, this will be a GREAT christmas! I am already in the mood for it..
And hey, do not feel stressed about Christmas, it is not all about getting everything right. It is about The Gospel, showing people around you some love.
And if you feel like you are lacking this, then come to Sos church for a christmas show (or anytime for that matter) so we can love you, hug you and give you food and sing to you!
fredag 22 oktober 2010
welcome winter

Today the first snow fell over Stockhholm.
I woke up, got ready and went out at 6.20 am to find the fall combined with winter, yellow leaves trying to find their way out of the snow.
Guess if I woke up for real.
But this is not something for me to be sad about.
Because with this winter comes
#Trip to Norway, Oslo for the first time.
#Moving to a new cozy place, with amazing roomies
#Christmas is coming with markets, amazing food and music and so much more
#The Sos Christmas show, it will be so great!
#Trip to Usa!!
And I will be living close to a skiing place, so I know what to do on a day off!
Welcome snow and winter!
onsdag 20 oktober 2010
I am moving

I am MOVING soon!
I have finally after months and months of hard work, found an awesome little house in Alby with 3 bedrooms and lots of space and fresh everywhere! A big garden and a cherrytree! Soo soon I will be packing my stuff and moving there with Kristina, Emmeli and Ylva!
In my head I am already having guests, baking stuff in my kitchen, playing piano in the living room, and having candles everywhere (you know winter=candles)
I am already watching movies with my roomies, cooking food together, and getting to know my neighbours!
I am so exited! Thank you GOD!!!!!
måndag 18 oktober 2010
Piano fingers

It is so insanly relaxing to play the piano!!
So I have decided I will try to find a free/very cheap one online(yes they have that), one that is acoustic to have in my next home, in the living room. One like the one on the picture would be a dream, but that dream will have to wait, they cost a fortune.
I have one that is electric but that one is for sitting in my room writing songs :) in my solitude.
Right now my electric one is lying under blankets not being used cuz I am moving around, but I will rejoice the day I will get to wipe the dust away and get to play it again..
fredag 15 oktober 2010
On and on and on
Have you noticed how funny life is?
That life is full of paradoxes
How there is always a need of balance
No matter how much you grow and mature there is always more to grow and mature in,
And when you have reached one goal, then there is another one waiting for you.
The more I learn, the more questions I have
The more I grow, the smaller I feel
The more I get, the more I need to give away
The more authority, the more I need to depend on God
Make sure to walk forward, from where you are, one step at a time and never get contented. It is better to do one thing properly, than to rush through and get something that won´t last, so let things take their time, to sink in, to grow and to develop!
You are never finished and life is a work in progress!
So if you are not perfect quite yet, do not worry, we are all in that place
We all need to stretch out
That life is full of paradoxes
How there is always a need of balance
No matter how much you grow and mature there is always more to grow and mature in,
And when you have reached one goal, then there is another one waiting for you.
The more I learn, the more questions I have
The more I grow, the smaller I feel
The more I get, the more I need to give away
The more authority, the more I need to depend on God
Make sure to walk forward, from where you are, one step at a time and never get contented. It is better to do one thing properly, than to rush through and get something that won´t last, so let things take their time, to sink in, to grow and to develop!
You are never finished and life is a work in progress!
So if you are not perfect quite yet, do not worry, we are all in that place
We all need to stretch out
måndag 11 oktober 2010
Dinner on the train
torsdag 7 oktober 2010
Healthy days

The anticipated, somewhat feared and extremly NEEDED day was finally here!
I have heard about this subject from last years leadership school students. I have seen how the students were acting after having theese classes.
How pacts were made, and how they tried to make us bibleschool students to follow aswell.
Now it was my turn, now I have been the one making changes, trying to tell the bibelschool students what it was that made me wanna do it. I have inspired some.
My house church even ate fruit instead of sweets cause of it.
So what am I talking about?
The subject healthcare (nutrition and exercise) that we have with Omid for 4 days!
Forget hamburgers, forget candy, forget everything like that!
Not because you have to, but because you don`t want to, after hearing this teaching!
I knew I should have eated some sweets yesterday, cause now I cannot without feeling blahh..(ofcourse it is ok with some moderation to eat something like that sometimes)
You should have seen the class today, preaching for the bibleschool students about this, buying slow carb food, making changes in their diet..and this was only the first day, I wonder what will come tomorrow.
You might wonder what this has to do with leadership? Well..someone who is in a bad condition, eating crappy and never moving..how much energy does that person have?
So how then are you supposed to have enough strenght to work hard on a missions field, or even here in Sweden if you are constantly tired cause of bad nutrition.
It is good for a leader to be healthy in spirit, soul AND body!
The tricky part is just to make changes that will last, even when there is no teacher there to motivate you!
It is just to make up your mind, stick to it and write yourself some very inspiring notes to go back to on grey days!
måndag 4 oktober 2010
The day of cinnamon buns!!!

Today is a special day, today is the day of cinnamon buns! (yes I know it is a trivial thing, but ehh, it makes me glad :))
So I ate one as breakfast (with coffee ofcourse) and one as dinner with milk, extremly unhealthy I know, so I have had enough with sugar for one day...and not enough with real food!
Do not forget this little day and use every opportunity to encourage someone, maybe someone who needs a hug can get a hug and a cinnamon bun :D
söndag 3 oktober 2010
Winter is more fun with nice clothes
lördag 2 oktober 2010
A love letter

As I walk on this earth, with heavy steps
I remember that you are the one, who gave me promises
Promises of that you always will be there
and when I tired, you are my rest
When I am hungry, you are my food
When I am weak, you are my strenght
But who am I, that I can be yours
I make a thousand mistakes and still you are there
with more faith then anyone else, believing in me
You are amazing
You are everything I want to be
There is none at all like you
I am captured
I cannot let you go
I am mesmorized by you
I want more, this is not enough
You are a pearl among pebbles
You are a prince among peasants
but you became a peasant,
and made the peasants princes and princesses
You are the defintion of love
and the meaning of my life
What would I do without you Jesus?
All there is, makes sense when I am with you
and nothing in this whole world is worth anything without you
I am in love
I am captivated by you Jesus.
Be clear to my heart, like the sun to the earth
And be to me the rain in dry seasons
You restore from past mistakes
You bless my prescense
and you hold my future
You gave me all
So I give you me
From now and forever
måndag 27 september 2010
African stars-mission in my heart

Lying under blankets of green and red.
I gazed up at the sky above me, the air like ice in my lungs.
With a candle lit, and the stillness not yet disturbed by the worries of the day.
I close my eyes, imagine deep inside, the african stars, the crickets sound.
I close my eyes, imagine the dust of Middle east under my feet, the morning prayers as hungry people rise up to seek God, but will they find him?
I close my eyes, imagine the broken houses, results of natural disasters, the floods, the hurricanes, the shore, the sea.
I close my eyes, imagine the moist that makes my hair go crazy, in a djungle somewhere, where paths are being made for the first time.
I close my eyes, I see the snow in a little village, where children are going on a sled pulled by dogs to school, where it is like you have gone back in time a hundred years or so.
I can also see the big cities, I can see the youth of Tokyo in despair, on rooftops considering if their life is worth living.
I can see the children that had to grow up too fast, left without choice, little boys in wars, little girls being married.
I hear the call, the call of those who do not understand, but are yet so eager to learn! If only they knew, they would go far, further then most.
I can feel hot sun, turning lukewarm in the night air as I eat spicey soop with an old wise woman and try to communicate with the few words I know in her language.
I can sense it, smell it, feel it, I can hear the sound of people praising, I can feel the ground shaking from the dancing feet of those who were in pain, of those who Jesus has set free! Their joy is in abundance.
It is not far, it is close here in my heart.
It is not far, it is also here right in front of me, in this city where I live.
It is the lonely mom, with her children, having no time off, life filled with stress.
It is the man, who just came from Afganistan, running for his life, not knowing this country, not knowing this language.
It is the teenager, without rolemodels.
It is the person next to me on the train, every day I pass them. Should stop more often.
The mission field begins in the heart, it begins when your eyes are open for people.
From right here, where I am sitting under my blankets that remind me of the African stars, out into the city, out into the world.
söndag 26 september 2010
Ingredients of a good weekend
Ingredients of this weekend:
Fika with girls from church and class, that was the girliest gathering in a long time.
Date with Maria, she took me to Jensens Beefhouse (pic above) and I had such a nice dinner with her! Thank you Maria, you made my weekend!
Meeting new people in the city, I love! Met a girl with the same name as me, this must mean friendship ;)
AN AWESOME OUTREACH which I got to be part of, outdoor concert at the heart of the city, alot of people stopped to listen, and my classmates got to have great conversations while we were playing and singing!
Dinner with old friends :)
Linnea and Ina got me a ticket to see Salt with them! Thank you guys!
what a great movie btw.
AND...SUNDAY SERVICE! Emma was talking about planning and not having stress in your life, very good preaching!
All theese ingredients = great weekend!!!!
Time for a new week, batteries charged!
torsdag 23 september 2010
Street music
Sitting in school waiting for my musicians to arrive! we are gonna rehearse for saturday!
There will be an outdoor consert on drottning gatan next to the city theater!
Live music, free coffee and cool people, be there!
This has been a little project I have been working on, and all the songs are written by me:) it will be such much fun to play on the street like that!
Hope I will see you there!
There will be an outdoor consert on drottning gatan next to the city theater!
Live music, free coffee and cool people, be there!
This has been a little project I have been working on, and all the songs are written by me:) it will be such much fun to play on the street like that!
Hope I will see you there!
fredag 17 september 2010
Pick ya fruit
onsdag 15 september 2010
Smile at the angry grumpy man on the train

It is so interesting taking the train everyday! People have such odd conversations.
Like yesterday when two guys were talking about maggots that eat rotten flesh, or when people discuss their entire private life on the cellphone next to me.
I also find it funny how stressed and irritated people are, they bump into to you, mumble things and push you when getting on or of the train!
We need a little love, stockholm big city stressed people! Maybe we should all just start a project to walk slow on purpose and smile at strangers, see how annoyed people would get! Eventually they will HAVE TO smile back :D
Sunshine rain
Rain pouring, and I mean POURING down on me and blue sky and glittery sunshine at the same time! Got to experience that today on my way home from work!
It was so pretty that I was tempted to ignore all rooftops and "protections" from rain and just take a loooong walk..but I had my computer with me, not a good idea!
And I forgot my camera at home, I would have loved those pics! Over all I need to get better at bringing my camera with me, I am not used having one!
This blog need more pics!
It was so pretty that I was tempted to ignore all rooftops and "protections" from rain and just take a loooong walk..but I had my computer with me, not a good idea!
And I forgot my camera at home, I would have loved those pics! Over all I need to get better at bringing my camera with me, I am not used having one!
This blog need more pics!
måndag 13 september 2010
Perfectly beautiful!
How beautiful you are, my love
How perfect you are. Song of songs 4.7
I have been thinking about something..
So many times I see a beautiful girl but it looks like she is fading in the crowd, and so many times I have seen someone who actually is not perfect in any way, but she just shines beauty!
The first one thinks she is ugly, unworthy, full of flaws.
The second one knows, she is beautiful the way she is, loved, appreciated.
Do you know that you are loved, needed, apprecieted, beautiful the way you are?
How can I say that maybe you ask me?
Well, because there is something in every human that I meet, that I cannot find in another.
There is something special about you, and there is something in you that nobody else can contribute with.
Show people your own beauty instead of trying to copy somebody else!
Lay down negative thaughts and start thinking positive!
Then you will se yourself and the world around you with new eyes!
The Bible says that what you say will preserve your life or destroy it(proverbs 18.21); so speak what the Bible says about you.
You are forgiven 1 john 1.9
You are loved, and remembered Isaiah 49.14
You are beautiful Psalm 139.14 Song of songs 4.7
You are made new Ef.4.24
You have a future to look forward to Jer.29.11
Speak(and think) the things you want to see into your own life and see how you grow in love, beauty, appreciation and everything else that you long to see!
One last thing..
Give and you will receive; (Luke 6.38)
If you want apples, you do not plant carrots
If you want love, give love!
This is something I try learn more and more everyday, and I am not perfect in any way, but I want to shine HIM who created me! That is the greatest beauty you can find on earth, HIS beauty in YOU!
Psalm 100.3
Never forget that the LORD is God.
He made us and we belong to him;
We are his people, we are his flock.
How perfect you are. Song of songs 4.7
I have been thinking about something..
So many times I see a beautiful girl but it looks like she is fading in the crowd, and so many times I have seen someone who actually is not perfect in any way, but she just shines beauty!
The first one thinks she is ugly, unworthy, full of flaws.
The second one knows, she is beautiful the way she is, loved, appreciated.
Do you know that you are loved, needed, apprecieted, beautiful the way you are?
How can I say that maybe you ask me?
Well, because there is something in every human that I meet, that I cannot find in another.
There is something special about you, and there is something in you that nobody else can contribute with.
Show people your own beauty instead of trying to copy somebody else!
Lay down negative thaughts and start thinking positive!
Then you will se yourself and the world around you with new eyes!
The Bible says that what you say will preserve your life or destroy it(proverbs 18.21); so speak what the Bible says about you.
You are forgiven 1 john 1.9
You are loved, and remembered Isaiah 49.14
You are beautiful Psalm 139.14 Song of songs 4.7
You are made new Ef.4.24
You have a future to look forward to Jer.29.11
Speak(and think) the things you want to see into your own life and see how you grow in love, beauty, appreciation and everything else that you long to see!
One last thing..
Give and you will receive; (Luke 6.38)
If you want apples, you do not plant carrots
If you want love, give love!
This is something I try learn more and more everyday, and I am not perfect in any way, but I want to shine HIM who created me! That is the greatest beauty you can find on earth, HIS beauty in YOU!
Psalm 100.3
Never forget that the LORD is God.
He made us and we belong to him;
We are his people, we are his flock.
Lets talk!
Went to Majas place last saturday,something like 20 people went there aswell, people of every nation.
So we counted how many different launguages we had represented there and guess what we came up with!
27 different lingos! Crazy!
Now that we can call international!
So we counted how many different launguages we had represented there and guess what we came up with!
27 different lingos! Crazy!
Now that we can call international!
fredag 10 september 2010
Books like hooks!

I have started to read two new books that I now have in my possesion and a third one that I have had for a while.
The newly written book called a public spectacle by Johannes Amritzer, my Pastor. I have only read a chapter so far, a chapter that spoke just like Johannes speaks,clear and simple. I am looking forward reading it.
Musician, Warrior, KIng also by Johannes Amritzer.
And also a very interesting book called A tale of three Kings, it is probobly one of the most interesting books I have ever read. The content of the book may appear in the beginning to be, just what it says; a tale of three Kings, but facing the world we live in and the activities going in the inner being of a person it is meant to be a book for the royalties in the kingdom of God. Reading page after page it stirs something in me, questions arise and comfort is availible though not understanding all, the content of it makes sense. It is a poetic book, beautifully written, almost like a poem but with a captivity of a fairy tale. I study each word, with the word of God in my spine and I enjoy the ride it takes my through!
A book is so much more then just written words, it is a world with colours, emotions, with knowledge and experiences, with passion, opionions, with thoughts, characters, it is like standing upon someones shoulders who have gone before you and now you can reach a little higher because that someones previous experience can teach you something, something valuable that you might use in your own life. Something that you yourself did not have to figure out on your own, but you have the back up from people who have gone before you, and their words are printed before you.
I love books, I get hooked!
tisdag 7 september 2010
Teambuildning and GIG!
Today we had Daniel in school and he surprised the leadership school class by taking us out to Djurgården (a big green area) for some teambuilding.
It was insanly nice weather, and as we took the boat across the city, three swans flew just in front of the boat, haha it was like taken from a movie, BEAUTIFUL!
We got to study the letter to Rome and then discuss it together to learn to really study the word. I have said it a thousand times but here I go again, leadership school is the best thing I have done so far!
Today I also worked with the music for an outreach that will be 25th of september! You will be there I hope! It will be an awesome opportunity for people who usually dont go to church to get to hear about what this christianity thing really is about.
There will be ALOT of music, music and music, me performing with my own songs and a band, a living room in the middle of the city OUTDOORS, and a lot of cool and nice people to hang out with! where exactly I dont know yet, but info will be out by that time! So be there, and dont miss this awesome oppurtunity!
It was insanly nice weather, and as we took the boat across the city, three swans flew just in front of the boat, haha it was like taken from a movie, BEAUTIFUL!
We got to study the letter to Rome and then discuss it together to learn to really study the word. I have said it a thousand times but here I go again, leadership school is the best thing I have done so far!
Today I also worked with the music for an outreach that will be 25th of september! You will be there I hope! It will be an awesome opportunity for people who usually dont go to church to get to hear about what this christianity thing really is about.
There will be ALOT of music, music and music, me performing with my own songs and a band, a living room in the middle of the city OUTDOORS, and a lot of cool and nice people to hang out with! where exactly I dont know yet, but info will be out by that time! So be there, and dont miss this awesome oppurtunity!
måndag 6 september 2010
Swedish lesson 2, Cruel or simply awesome?

We have had the honor of having two visitors here from America, Joy and Mel.
Mel left this morning but during the time she was here I got to translate some jokes and phrases to her. And that reminded me that I haven`t had any more swedish lessons here online since like june.
Well, one of the phrases or word games perhaps I should call it, that I got to teach Mel was this one:
Grymt (pronounced Greemt) means = cruel, or awesome or its the sound the pig makes.
Confusing huh? Usually used to say that someone is awesome, but don´t say to someone who is old, they will think you mean they are cruel or that you are talking about pigs.
Since I am on the subject I might aswell give you some more swedish lessons;
The swedish launguage has all the letters that english has, but we have three more :O!!!
Theese are
1. å (pronounced like a deep ooo)
2. ä (like a harsh ahh)
3. ö (I dont think you have that sound in english)
Ö is not only a letter, but it also means Island, or it is the word we use when we stumble in our speech, like uuhmm.
So this was the lesson for today, I hope you all learned some valuable things!
lördag 4 september 2010
Chill, Relax, Tranqilo

Today I have my day off!!!! I have been going for like two weeks in a row now, with school, work and meetings and house fixing and moving and planning..so this day is truly needed.
So what will I be doing on a day like this?
Just sitting in my PJs, reading, listening to music and do nothing that is a must, later on I will go and see Toy Story 3 with some friends :)
I might also go to the shop and get some new warm PJs, pink if I can find some, for days like this!
torsdag 2 september 2010
Sitting in school waiting for tonights outreach! woo, it is going to be good! BBQ in Fittja, one of the ghettos in Stockholm!
Today we had Walter in leadership and he is seriously so good and funny!
This year is going to be good!
well, I have to find some chords for a song and then i will be leaving!
Today we had Walter in leadership and he is seriously so good and funny!
This year is going to be good!
well, I have to find some chords for a song and then i will be leaving!
tisdag 17 augusti 2010
Summer is FALLing

10 reasons to be happy that summer is soon over:
1: Church is rollin for real again
2: I will be going to leadership school!
3: My friends are coming back home from long vacations
4: New bibleschool class
5: Working with the music in the church
6: All the outreaches!!
7: Warm and cozy clothes can be used again
8: Having more fika, going to cafes!
9: Routins Routins!
10: ALL the beautiful colours of the fall!
söndag 15 augusti 2010
Have you heard??!

Have you heard about Sos Church first birthday?
Have you heard about the amazing party that we are gonna have?
Have you heard that there is gonna be music in all different styles? ( and I will be singing too :D)
Have you heard about the dancegroup that will be performing, professional dancers, among them a guy from Bounce (thats right!!)
Have you heard that the whole weekend is going to be powerful, exiting, fun and totally lifechanging!?
Have you heard that World evangelist Reinhard Bonnke is going to preach that Sunday!!??
Did you know that YOU can be a part of it?!!!!!
When and where: 27-28 of august in Sos Church, warfinges väg 26, Stadshagen, both days at 19:00 (7 pm)
29 of august at CCC, City conference center in Stockholm, at 16:00 (4 pm) Reinhard Bonnke will be talking!!!
Get there, Be there and Bring Bring Bring people with you!!!!
lördag 14 augusti 2010
The return from the Foot Island

Spending the afternoon with AK and Filip who just came home from the westcoast, from Filips childhood place called Foot Island, haha Foot Island, I wonder why it is called that way...
We are eating loads and loads of sweets, cookiedough, cookies, coke, Coffee with icecream. It is yummy but I feel gross!!
I am glad they are back, I like hearing them giggling and Filip having his laughter attacks, it is so funny to hear him!
Now, I am gonna go back to my company and my coffee and sweets!
fredag 13 augusti 2010
onsdag 11 augusti 2010
Childish faith
Do you remember when you were a child, and you had BIg dreams about the future, what you wanna work with, what you want to become, who you wanna be like. The thing about children is that they never dream small, they never say that they are gonna be a failer. No, children always see themselves as the princess or the prince of the fairytale, not the sidekick.
So when does that disappear? That childish expectation? When does it become almost a little shameful to dream big? And why?
Honestly, I do not think people can achieve great things without dreaming big, and I dont think that people can find joy in what they do if they dont have an expectation they will reach all that they dream about. The things that you are struggling with becomes so much easier when you have a goal in front of you that you believe ou WILL reach.
Just look at Josef in the Bible, he had big dreams, but it took time for him to reach them, he never stopped believing.
Or listen to what Paul said, that he does not run without a goal in sight.
Or what Jesus said, that you need to become like a child.
Because to be able to receive from God you need to be HIS child and believe that he wants to bless you, having a daddy realtionship with God makes it easier to come to Him every day, childishly believing that you have the princess or prince role in his eyes!
I never want to stop believing childishly, I never want to grow out of my reaching the stars attityde, I never wanna stop being exited over things that actaully are kinda small and insignificant. Being perfect and believing are two different things, one is trying to be all you can on your own which will make you exhausted, but believing is knowing I can not do it all on my own, but God who lives in me, He can!
But it can be hard in a world that is stressed, lacking faith and where people have lost their values. Sometimes it is so easy to fall into one of those holes; indifference, disappionted hope, or comparing yourself to someone you think will do it better then you. It is better to have tried and fail, rise again and try again,rather then to never try at all!
Being humble is not about lacking faith, it is not about lying to yourself saying you are not good enough, it is not about lacking selfconfidence. being humble is about seeing your strengths but also seeing your weaknesses and admitting them. Understanding that we are not good enough on our own, but that God has bought us free from that, so now we are good enough in His eyes! And if you are good enough in His eyes, then who are you say differently? If He says you can, then you can!
His word is for you, to you and not just for everyone else!
Become that child again who thinks you are Gods little prince/princess.
Pick up your dreams and put in some endurance, and follow it through, dont give up on the first speedbump.
And if God belives in you so should you!!! Stop depending so much on what your feelings tell you and start depending on what the word of God is telling you instead.
There is a song that I would like to qoute;
Im not gonna live by what I see, Im not gonna live by what I feel, deep down I know that you are here with me and I know that YOU can do anything! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!
So when does that disappear? That childish expectation? When does it become almost a little shameful to dream big? And why?
Honestly, I do not think people can achieve great things without dreaming big, and I dont think that people can find joy in what they do if they dont have an expectation they will reach all that they dream about. The things that you are struggling with becomes so much easier when you have a goal in front of you that you believe ou WILL reach.
Just look at Josef in the Bible, he had big dreams, but it took time for him to reach them, he never stopped believing.
Or listen to what Paul said, that he does not run without a goal in sight.
Or what Jesus said, that you need to become like a child.
Because to be able to receive from God you need to be HIS child and believe that he wants to bless you, having a daddy realtionship with God makes it easier to come to Him every day, childishly believing that you have the princess or prince role in his eyes!
I never want to stop believing childishly, I never want to grow out of my reaching the stars attityde, I never wanna stop being exited over things that actaully are kinda small and insignificant. Being perfect and believing are two different things, one is trying to be all you can on your own which will make you exhausted, but believing is knowing I can not do it all on my own, but God who lives in me, He can!
But it can be hard in a world that is stressed, lacking faith and where people have lost their values. Sometimes it is so easy to fall into one of those holes; indifference, disappionted hope, or comparing yourself to someone you think will do it better then you. It is better to have tried and fail, rise again and try again,rather then to never try at all!
Being humble is not about lacking faith, it is not about lying to yourself saying you are not good enough, it is not about lacking selfconfidence. being humble is about seeing your strengths but also seeing your weaknesses and admitting them. Understanding that we are not good enough on our own, but that God has bought us free from that, so now we are good enough in His eyes! And if you are good enough in His eyes, then who are you say differently? If He says you can, then you can!
His word is for you, to you and not just for everyone else!
Become that child again who thinks you are Gods little prince/princess.
Pick up your dreams and put in some endurance, and follow it through, dont give up on the first speedbump.
And if God belives in you so should you!!! Stop depending so much on what your feelings tell you and start depending on what the word of God is telling you instead.
There is a song that I would like to qoute;
Im not gonna live by what I see, Im not gonna live by what I feel, deep down I know that you are here with me and I know that YOU can do anything! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!
tisdag 10 augusti 2010
HAPPY birthday!

What an awesome and FUN day I had today!! and it is all because of my friends and family! When I think about it, I really do realize how blessed I am.
Now this might sound a bit cheesy, BUT, I already have the GREATEST gift of them all, my God, my faith in HIM, and the amazing family/friends that God has blessed me with!!!!
My day started out with Linnea and Eli storming in to my room, with an untuned guitar and some nice vocals! Haha, they even tied balloons to the guitar!! I got some pretty nice leggings from them and some pea soup,( that I actually had bought lol) but they just used it to hide some money in that package (smart!!)
Then I had every girls dream!!! Yes it is true, I had a shopping day with my mom!! AWESOME!!!
we actually did shop til we dropped, my legs are killing me right now and I feel as if I had been beaten up!
To finish this lovely day, I went to the cinema and saw karate kid, ahaha, such a funny movie!! Loved it!!
Well, that was my day, oh but not to forget when I logged in to facbook and saw all the "happy birthday Sanna" that really made me glad!! Thank ou guys for being so sweet! Love to you guys! <3
Ok then so I have to mention some of my presents!!! Like A new camera!!!!!! Now finally i can take some quality pics!!
And clothes ofcourse, and make up from body shop yes, shoes from south africa!! Loads of moldavan candy! And a "date" with my lovely friend Maria! (tho I dont know yet what we are gonna do,but that is the best part, sooo exiting!!)
Well, now I am one year older, i feel like I got younger tho, (just like benjamin button :O hmm)..and I had a super great day!!
måndag 9 augusti 2010
Crazy rent
Wow, it is amazing how much people take for an appartment. I am looking for a place to stay and I found some insane prices!
Or what would you say about a one room appartment for 10 000 crowns (like 1250 USD) a month!!!!
Haha, NOT for me! I will keep on looking, wish me luck :)
Or what would you say about a one room appartment for 10 000 crowns (like 1250 USD) a month!!!!
Haha, NOT for me! I will keep on looking, wish me luck :)
söndag 1 augusti 2010
Uninvited guest
Today when I was on my way home from work I got a textmsg from my roomie that made me laugh despite me being alone among a bunch of strangers on a train station.
You see, a cat got into our house somehow and A-K was in the kitchen and all of the sudden a cat is walking around in óur hallway!!
Might I mention we don´t have a cat!! And it was hard to get it out, it was just starring at her when she was trying to schooo it!! I wonder if it is the same cat that scratched my foot when I was sleeping in my home made tent outdoors. (?:O?)
Haha, priceless!! :D
You see, a cat got into our house somehow and A-K was in the kitchen and all of the sudden a cat is walking around in óur hallway!!
Might I mention we don´t have a cat!! And it was hard to get it out, it was just starring at her when she was trying to schooo it!! I wonder if it is the same cat that scratched my foot when I was sleeping in my home made tent outdoors. (?:O?)
Haha, priceless!! :D
Liia and Emanuel!!!

My amazing beautiful lovely friend Liia got married yesterday!!!!
It feels like it was not long ago we were 15, being goofy teenagers! She has been an awesome friend of mine, my guitar and vocal buddy!! Ahh, all the music moments!!
Liia, the harmony master!! Haha, or all the times when we had our outreach coffe nights and we had that awfully tuned guitar and made up songs on the spot!! <3
I am getting all nostalgic, but Liia, sweet Liia, is a grown up now!!
Emanuel is the luckiest guy on earth getting her!!
AND they were absolutly stunning :)
fredag 16 juli 2010
A nightly conversation
Sooooo, I am trying to write something fun to read but I keep deleting it all the time. Cause I have a pair of turtle doves hanging in the couch next to me, giggling and being way to tired and silly..
A-K: Sanna, it is pretty funny that your blog is still called Sanna Mina Ord (true are my words) when it is in english now..Sanna Miiina Words? (she says it with an american accent..I just just tell her scchh, cause I am trying to write..
Filip: Is just giggling, and forbidding me to write anything he says, cause he is so tired that he is wordpooping constantly, I quite enjoy it actaully.
A-K to Filip: Are you tired?
Filip to A-K I have just started, then he goes; in ten minutes, we have been together for a month!
Ok, now A-K and Filip are realizing that I am writing about them haha, Filip tried to take my glasses away to stop me from writing..
It did not work!
A-K; you can´t feel safe with anything you say in this house
Sanna; responds with nervous laughter.
But in the end they let me keep this important piece of information, and post it :)
I am glad I have friends like that! :)
Ok, I am so distracted i did not even realize the computer battery was dying, luckily I saved to be able to share this with all of you! Luckily, pjuhh!!
A-K: Sanna, it is pretty funny that your blog is still called Sanna Mina Ord (true are my words) when it is in english now..Sanna Miiina Words? (she says it with an american accent..I just just tell her scchh, cause I am trying to write..
Filip: Is just giggling, and forbidding me to write anything he says, cause he is so tired that he is wordpooping constantly, I quite enjoy it actaully.
A-K to Filip: Are you tired?
Filip to A-K I have just started, then he goes; in ten minutes, we have been together for a month!
Ok, now A-K and Filip are realizing that I am writing about them haha, Filip tried to take my glasses away to stop me from writing..
It did not work!
A-K; you can´t feel safe with anything you say in this house
Sanna; responds with nervous laughter.
But in the end they let me keep this important piece of information, and post it :)
I am glad I have friends like that! :)
Ok, I am so distracted i did not even realize the computer battery was dying, luckily I saved to be able to share this with all of you! Luckily, pjuhh!!
tisdag 13 juli 2010

I am loving this extremly hot weather! This is how summer should be, always..300 days a year and the fall spring and winter can share the rest 65 days. So if I ever will get to decide and make my own dreamworld that is how it would be. The only bad thing is that it is hard to get anything done, it is like you are melting away in sun, brainwise...I guess a siesta would do some good. Now there is a picture to make ya all thirsty and remind you to drink enough
lördag 3 juli 2010
Bzzzzzzzzzzzz, SMACK!

I am a pretty happy person, I consider myself positive. Not to many things make me angry and I try to have patience with the things that do.
But there is one thing I can NOT stand!!!
Why on earth do ALL the mosquitos pick me, even when there are like 10 people to pick instead of me.
No matter where I go,no matter the time of the day and no matter how much I try to avoid them, they are there with a fork and knife ready to eat me alive!
Theese evil creatures should be extinct once and for all!
....I just needed to get this pain off of my chest! I know there are more people out there who feel my pain..just hold on, and be strong...
Camping on the porch!

A few days ago me and Linnea decided to build a home made tent. We used all we could find; chairs, table, rope, bedsheets and see through drapes for that extra touch! I have to say we made a pretty good job, it looked like something from aladdin, and was even nicer from the inside!
At around 1:30 am while Linnea is already sleeping and I am upstairs I hear this big KABOOM!!! fireworks? A minut later AK tells me Coffe is standing outside our door, and when I get down I see that so does Albert and Diego, they just thaught they would come by to wake me and Linnea up with some noise! But to their disappointment I was not alseep and Linnea did not wake up! But atleast we had some fun company for an hour or so :)
The next day we decide we will invite the boys instead, and we made a tent for them aswell. A bigger one! But when they show up it is 2 am and they had to wake me up cause I fell asleep on the coach waiting for them.
So we camped on the porch that night, sooo cozy!!
The following day we had a big nice breakfast before we made a little roadtrip to Sigtuna, to a sweet beach where we spent most of the day!
Tonight we will probobly build a new tent, me and Maria, wanna join? ;)
lördag 5 juni 2010

It has been one week since I got home from Tanzania, and it really feels like ages ago. two weeks ago i was in Same, living totally different then in Sweden. One and a half week ago I was in Moshi having a blast!
One week ago and two days I was on a sweet beach, and one week ago I came home.
So much has happened since. Last week of school, summer is finally in Sweden too, when I left it was spring!
The big event schools out that we have been planning for a while was yesterday. It feels like so much of what I have been waiting for and planning has passed, and that is a strange feeling. But I am glad to have it in the past, because I think that what the future holds is even better! we go from glory to glory! And it is time for new goals! This will be a summer of salvation and a summer to get recharged for the autumn!
We graduated on thursday, and it was such a good day! We had a sweet BBQ to celebrate and the weather was awesome! I will miss my class though, I had the best one ever! Luckily most of them are staying here :) The pics are from the BBQ
onsdag 2 juni 2010
Swedish to English

Sooo, since I now have a lot of english speaking friends I will be changing the language in my blog. Even though a lot of the Americans already know so much swedish like Liten pojke and du luktar bajs.
Here are some other good words to know:
Jag vill inte ha russin i groten= means I like that food very much
Jag alskar dig?= how are you doing?
Akta snigeln= I am fine
Another really good thing to have knowledge about is Abba, and HM of course, if you want to become Swedish you have to have at least ten things from there.
Well, if you want to know more words and you are eager to learn some real good swedish, I am here for you to help you out!
tisdag 27 april 2010
Kartonglådor, skog och Linköping

Idag så sken solen, o jag var bara tvungen att ta en sväng till skogen! Jag åkte hem till pappa och hälsa på där o sen bar det av. En lååång promenad dit o sen gå vilse, o efter att ha klättrat över gamla döda träd, gått över en äng med koskit och gått längs klippor så hittade jag ett undangömt mysigt klippblock, som låg i solen! Oooh ja! Där, kunde jag sitta för mig själv och titta ut över vattnet! Jag älskar såna stunder:D
Förresten, Linköping förra helgen! Helt fantastiskt. Outreachen var grym o så var mötet också! Top notch med andra ord ;)
Nu blir det packning, snart flyttar jag till Huddinge.
måndag 12 april 2010
Drama Drama
Har varit hemma hos tjejhuset och haft drama fest!
Det blev alltifrån roliga charader lekar i stil med viskningsleken.
En av de roligaste var när Anders skulle vara en Masai som hade ett spjut och fick syn på ett lejon. Han kasta spjutet på lejonet men missar! I sin förskräckelse så springer han allt vad han har och upp för ett träd.
Men slutversionen blev en gammal man med en väldigt hög käpp, som tittar ut genom källarfönstret, får syn på en skata och springer sin väg.
Tack Maria för den fina tolkningen, den var fantastisk!
På tala om tolkningar så fick jag även lär amig att om man stoppar upp en massa kola i gommen, eller nåt annat kladd så låter man som att man läspar! Väldigt kul att prova försöka säga ramsor med sånt i munnen.
ja, nu ska jag iallafall ta och sova magen gör ont av skratt och imorn blir det nog mer, vi har ju Daniel och får illustrationer att se fram emot!
Bilder kommer upp sen om jag lyckas få låna några av Maria :)
Det blev alltifrån roliga charader lekar i stil med viskningsleken.
En av de roligaste var när Anders skulle vara en Masai som hade ett spjut och fick syn på ett lejon. Han kasta spjutet på lejonet men missar! I sin förskräckelse så springer han allt vad han har och upp för ett träd.
Men slutversionen blev en gammal man med en väldigt hög käpp, som tittar ut genom källarfönstret, får syn på en skata och springer sin väg.
Tack Maria för den fina tolkningen, den var fantastisk!
På tala om tolkningar så fick jag även lär amig att om man stoppar upp en massa kola i gommen, eller nåt annat kladd så låter man som att man läspar! Väldigt kul att prova försöka säga ramsor med sånt i munnen.
ja, nu ska jag iallafall ta och sova magen gör ont av skratt och imorn blir det nog mer, vi har ju Daniel och får illustrationer att se fram emot!
Bilder kommer upp sen om jag lyckas få låna några av Maria :)
måndag 5 april 2010
Snö igen!?!
Ja, det dröjde inte länge förrän april vädret levde upp till sitt namn..Snö igen..
men lugn imorn blir det nog sol och sen kommer sommarn!
men lugn imorn blir det nog sol och sen kommer sommarn!
söndag 4 april 2010
Superhjältar och Påsk

Den här helgen har varit heelt grymmish! I fredags var det Sos Youth som gällde, med superhjälte tema, inte var det nån långfredag, utan good friday som man säger på engelska! I lördags så var det påsklunch som gällde, med goa vänner och senare på kvällen en afrikansk fest.
Om du aldrig har varit på en sån, eller umgåtts med afrikaner så har du missat nåt. Så mycket liv och glädje de har. Vi fick lära oss att de hälsar varann med broder och syster och några av deras sköna danser.
Så bra att vi har lite folk från andra länder här i Sverige som kan krydda till det lite. Ca 20 pers blev frälsta och säkert ännu fler gick därifrån med ett intryck. Dessutom fick jag prova på att uppträda på swahiili, det var en första. Sen vart d Max som avsluta dagen innan man kom hem supersent.
Idag hade jag massor på schemat men så blev jag sjuk.. så jag får använda dagen till att vila ut och samla nya krafter och vara glad över den helg som jag haft, och passa på att mysa ihop mig i soffan med en film och äta massa ägg och godis.
Men jag är så glad att påsken är så mycket mer än mat och godis och kycklingar.
Det handlar om att Jesus dog och UPPSTOD för oss två tusen år sedan. OCh det är något fira!! Vare sig man är på fest eller ligger hemma sjuk så är det något att vara glad över.
onsdag 31 mars 2010
Vaccin och ännu mer vaccin
Nu har jag varit duktig och vaccinerat mig igen. Ush vad jag vad nervig innan, men det gick bra faktiskt. Jag överlevde.
Nu är man ännu lite närmre Tanzania,när jag har tagit gula febern som man måste ha för att komma in i landet. Idag hade vi stark förberedelse inför resan, och ikväll ska vi ha festivalteam träning. En heldag med fokus på Tanzania!!!! Snart snart snart åker vi!
Nu är man ännu lite närmre Tanzania,när jag har tagit gula febern som man måste ha för att komma in i landet. Idag hade vi stark förberedelse inför resan, och ikväll ska vi ha festivalteam träning. En heldag med fokus på Tanzania!!!! Snart snart snart åker vi!
måndag 29 mars 2010
Dags att bli lite mer teknisk

Jag och tekniska saker är inte alltid så tajta. Ibland tycker jag faktiskt att det snarare komplicerar till livet än gör det rikare. Förr i tiden slapp man lägga pengar på mobiler och datorer och tv osv..men..man lever ju den moderna världen så jag kanske ska lära mig lite, putsa på de svagheter man har.
För visst e det så, att där man tycker att man gör dåligt ifrån sig, där kan man pusha lite extra..kanske jag till och med ska ta en kurs? Och bli grym på det, rentav blir det något jag gillar att hålla på med. Man brukar ju börja gilla det man är bra på, så media here I come!
söndag 28 mars 2010

Östervåla..ja, så heter platsen dit ett gäng från klassen åkte igår.
Våran rektor skulle preacha och vi fick följa med! Frimodighet handlade det om. Man ska vara Fri, modig och het! Inte het som i fjutfju eller hur man nu ska skriva det. Utan som i brinnande för Gud!
Det är kul att se att det finns ungdomar över hela sverige som delar samma hunger och samma tro, som sträcker sig efter Gud. Det är inte bara Stockholm som har det. Men i övrigt (och nu med risk för att låta som en dryg stockholmare,:) )så varje gång man tar ut, så ser nästan hela Sverige likadant ut..det finns några hus och skog, och så en mack...monotont? hmm...ja, en smula..men det e ju mysigt iallafall.
tisdag 23 mars 2010
Avatar finally

Jag har länge gått o velat se avatar, och så kommer min kompis nelda och säger att hon kan bjuda mig! Helt fantastiskt tycker man ju då..
Jag har haft ganska höga förväntningar på den efter allt snack, och har försökt hålla för öronen så fort folk som redan sett den börjar diskutera detaljer. Ärligt talat så kände jag mig nästan lite off för att jag inte sett den. Liksom va?! har du inte sett den!!!! är den respons man fick.
Men jag blev inte besviken, den var faktiskt otroligt bra tycker jag, om än lite flummig..men flummigt kan va kul :)
Sagor kombinerat med action och lite romantik är den perfekta mixen!
Fast man kanske inte ska vänta så länge med att se en film har jag insett nu, inte bara att alla andra har sett den och pratar utan salongerna blir ju mindre och mindre ju längre man väntar.Det blir liksom inte lika maxat i en pyttesalong där skärmen strular som i en monsterstor salong med extremt ljud!
Så nästa biofilm blir nog en färsking!
onsdag 17 mars 2010
Herrgården vs Tjejkväll

Det är något speciellt med kollektiv, speciellt när de är stora.
Det går liksom inte att vara själv, man har alltid nån att va med(nästan iaf) och det är alltid nån som är på besök, denna gången blev det jag som var besökaren.
Trots att jag inte var hemma så gick det att få saker gjort, producera en ny sång, slog upp ord,kollade upp vad vatten gör med kroppen (tack google) och fick den sociala biten på det torra..pjuhh..
Men efter en lång dag med nästan bara killar så fick jag ett tjejryck och ska se till att göra lite hemma spa. Så från det ena till andra, nu kokar mitt spa vatten och nagellacket väntar..
lördag 13 mars 2010
Tanzania!!!!!!!!!!! Soon to come

Tänk att jag ska til Tanzania snart! Idag hade vi en teamsamling och jag fick så mycket förväntan inför festivalen!
Människor kommer bli djupt berörda! Folk kommer bli frälsta, blinda få sin syn, lama gå och döva kommer att höra! Helt otroligt att jag får leva detta liv! Att jag får vara med och göra sånt! Gahhhhhh!!!
Tanzania ska bli förvandlat!
fredag 12 mars 2010
Dagens bibelord - ord har impact

Idag när jag kom hem så kände mig så trött, så utmattad. Så jag satte på en bra skiva, tände lite ljus och tog fram medicinen. Bibeln! Det är så fantastiskt hur matig den är för en trött person.
Hursomhelst så slog jag upp Ordspråksboken och läser: Milda ord är som drypande honung, ljuva för själen och läkedom för kroppen.
Tänk vad mycket ett ord kan göra, ett ord av uppmuntran kan lyfta en människa en hel dag. Jag minns när någon ibland har gett en komplimang, och hur glad man känner sig en hel dag. Eller när någon har pikat dig, och hur det kan köra ner en om man redan hade en jobbig dag. Ord betyder mer än vi tror.
Och tänk vad mycket uppmuntran Bibeln har, så om du känner dig lite nere, eller trött så hitta ett bra ord och ät på.
Och om du är nyfiken vart detta fantastiska ord står så är det ords.16.24! Bon apetit!
Vaccin och Tanzania

Idag har jag gått och tagit en av de fruktade vaccinationerna, Twinrix..så nu har jag "bara" fyra vaccinationer kvar..
Jag är inte så mycket för nålar, och speciellt inte när det gör ont i armen i flera dar efter..men en sak som jag tycker är så fruktansvärt kul med det hela är att min arm just nu påminner mig om att jag ska till Tanzania! Och det snart! Det kommer bli såå otroligt bra, så de kan sticka på med sina nålar, det kommer vara så värt det!
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