The anticipated, somewhat feared and extremly NEEDED day was finally here!
I have heard about this subject from last years leadership school students. I have seen how the students were acting after having theese classes.
How pacts were made, and how they tried to make us bibleschool students to follow aswell.
Now it was my turn, now I have been the one making changes, trying to tell the bibelschool students what it was that made me wanna do it. I have inspired some.
My house church even ate fruit instead of sweets cause of it.
So what am I talking about?
The subject healthcare (nutrition and exercise) that we have with Omid for 4 days!
Forget hamburgers, forget candy, forget everything like that!
Not because you have to, but because you don`t want to, after hearing this teaching!
I knew I should have eated some sweets yesterday, cause now I cannot without feeling blahh..(ofcourse it is ok with some moderation to eat something like that sometimes)
You should have seen the class today, preaching for the bibleschool students about this, buying slow carb food, making changes in their diet..and this was only the first day, I wonder what will come tomorrow.
You might wonder what this has to do with leadership? Well..someone who is in a bad condition, eating crappy and never moving..how much energy does that person have?
So how then are you supposed to have enough strenght to work hard on a missions field, or even here in Sweden if you are constantly tired cause of bad nutrition.
It is good for a leader to be healthy in spirit, soul AND body!
The tricky part is just to make changes that will last, even when there is no teacher there to motivate you!
It is just to make up your mind, stick to it and write yourself some very inspiring notes to go back to on grey days!
Haha, I just realized the contradiction of this blog post and the one before this one!