tisdag 6 december 2011

After alot, ALOT of techiniqual problems with my blog, I can finally write again! Yeaih! Tonight me, and a group of people did a fun,crazy and exciting thing. We spread out in a train that was crowded, then one started to sing, all of the sudden I responded. Then one after one sang along until the whole group were standing up singing. And the people on the train were chocked haha..but as soon as they got it they started to sing along! Now this was an advertisment for SOS christmas show! You better be there, it will be great!

lördag 14 maj 2011

See what you see

New song, inspired by the amazing week we had in Stockholm.

Give me your heart
For a people with broken ones
Give me a heart that bleeds
for the right cause
Let your passion burn deep inside
so that I may find

That the people around me
are the ones you died for
So I pray that I will see
their lives being restored

One by one
each precious soul
One by one
in your hand, you hold
The joy of your heart are the lost
being reached
So give me, give me a heart that sees
Sees what you you see

I pray that, I will see with your eyes
That when I close mine
I see your visions inside

For a people that needs you
despite them turning their back on you
You reach and stretch out
til faith overcomes the doubt

Give me your heart to
Search for them
Like you searched for me
Find them
You found me so I believe
that you can restore them
cause the life you give is real
So give me your heart so that I see
See what you see

onsdag 27 april 2011

Work is fun...and crazy

From the happiest laughter to the highest pitch scream that hurts your ears in an indescribable way. That´s how it is when you work with little children. (or have little children I assume)
During the 3-4 hours I got to experience a range of emotions in a very quick and shifting way- life is exiting when you are with them.
But you know what? Life is really exiting and fun and challenging when you have to take care of kids but I love it. I think I have the best job, and the sweetest kids and they ruin my routines and plans and the boxes I am stuck in and they enjoy little stupid things that grown ups forgot how to enjoy. Life is more exiting when you are a child..or when you are with a child...or like a child haha )

måndag 25 april 2011

Dizzy morning

Usually when I wake up in the morning I feel a little blurry...
I walk into things and can´t really talk proporly..my words are just blabla..so I am a reeeeeeeally good listener like around 30 minutes after I woke up, cause I still can´t really talk but I am awake enough to hear haha (there are exceptions though) this was not what i was gonna write about but it is just to give you the picture..you have it?

This morning I woke up, being confused as usual, walking 3 times to the same place because I forget what to do in there and as i walk back and forth to the bathroom I walk by some bags that I need to take to the special trash cause its glass and plastics and such.
Twice I feel that my foot hurts, so I decide after a while to see why and I see this looooooong sharp glass piece peeking out of the bag, and I look down on my foot that now has the evidence of blood on the floor. Yep, I cut my foot bloody..and did not react cause I am soo dizzy in the morning...but now I have a band aid on and have to walk alittle on my toes so it won´t hurt. What to do when you don´t depend on coffee anymore?

Dance cleaning

I turn on the computer...wait for a couple of seconds...
Log into spotify...press on the DANCE album list and
TURN the volume UP!!!!!! really really loud, like ouch loud and then
time to make the cleaning fun....by dancing with the vacuum cleaner!
Who said cleaning has to be boring!

lördag 23 april 2011


There is something I have been thinking about theese past days.
I dont know who reads my blog and I dont know if you who read are an ateist, christian or whatever you call yourself..but there is something in common for all of us.
Nomatter what you call yourself, we all make mistakes and wrongs, we all have feelings and we all can rise and fall.
No matter who you are, it is your heart that matters.

Now this is a very cliche thing to say, but I am not talking about the typical heart babble...
What I want to say is:
God gives every human a chance before him and he looks to the heart but what is in your heart will show, not just by your thaughts or intentions.
If you say you want to know if there is a God, then you would search for him, and you would find him..and not give up that easily cause your heart would push you to it.
And if you claim that you have found God and you want him, then you would draw yourself close to him.
And if you want say that you have love but there is nothing that shows it..no actions to back up your words, how true is it then?

Now I am not writing this to judge anyone, I am not a judge..and I myself need to think of theese things that I just said..
But really, it is so easy to just go with the flow in life and forget to bring your heart to it.
We all need to guard our hearts, cause everything we do flows from it

onsdag 20 april 2011

The sun is shiiiiiiiining

I had a busy busy busy day today! The sun is shining, I have my light spring jacket on, my hair is blowing in the wind and everything feels so much easier even with only 5 hours of sleep..so since the sun is shining and life is more enjoyable it becomes more fun to have a busy scheduale.
So during this day I have had time to:
Go to school
Have a fika with a friend
Visit a friend
Visit yet another friend
Being part of recordning a bible school trailer
And finally going to another city for a rock concert...
And getting to know knew friends :)
If only the sun was shining most of the year coffee would be outdated