Just because you can not fit the ocean into a glas it does not mean the ocean does not exist. Just because you can not fit God into your mind does not mean He does not exist. This is one of my favourite quotes.
But you know what, sometimes it is like that even with believers. I have been a christian for 6 years this month and alot of the mindsets that I had have changed.
Like I thaught that Gods love depended on what I did or did not do, and my problems were soo overwhelming to me that my prayers a lot of the time were about the problems. Now that is a very common problem amongst alot of people.
But you know what, just because you cannot fit Gods plan into your head does not mean He does not have a plan for you.
And God is not made small because your problems are big in your head.
I realized that I do not have to worry about that I need to be strong, or that I need to understand everything. Is not God great enough to teach me all the things I need to know.
He is great enough to show me how to pray, to show me how to love, to show me how to treat people, to show what to do in every situation. HE IS GREAT even when my thaughts are small.
And if you think Gods love depends on your ups and downs, then man, God must change His mind alot of the time, BUT my friends, that is not the case!!!
He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. And the good thing is that the same means;
He is good
He is faithful
He is strong
He is a loving God who gave his life for you
He is powerful
He is love and love is described in 1 Cor.13..
Why would He pay such a high price to win your heart and then reject you?
Makes no sense.
So evenif you do not understand God, He understands you
Come to Him, give your heart and let Him do the work in you instead of trying to figure everything out on your own.
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