Ok, soon it will be a new year and it is time to figure out stuff that you will try n keep during the year. So maybe, just maybe it is time to be a little realistic.
Come on, you will NOT loose 50 kilos and write a book and learn to play 2 instruments and travel half of the earth and become the worlds most holy person in one year. Been there, done that. Does not work.
Another mistake that is common is to put a big blurry goal and then you did not make an actaul plan to reach it.
For instanse; I want to be closer to God, or I want be healthy..ok..but in what way, and what do you need to do to reach it?
I have a goal next year!
I will get my drivers license! So maybe next time I go to the States (after this time I mean) I will actually get to drive my uncles jeep! And oh...I promised to START writing a book..promise you will read it when it is done ;)
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