What an awesome and FUN day I had today!! and it is all because of my friends and family! When I think about it, I really do realize how blessed I am.
Now this might sound a bit cheesy, BUT, I already have the GREATEST gift of them all, my God, my faith in HIM, and the amazing family/friends that God has blessed me with!!!!
My day started out with Linnea and Eli storming in to my room, with an untuned guitar and some nice vocals! Haha, they even tied balloons to the guitar!! I got some pretty nice leggings from them and some pea soup,( that I actually had bought lol) but they just used it to hide some money in that package (smart!!)
Then I had every girls dream!!! Yes it is true, I had a shopping day with my mom!! AWESOME!!!
we actually did shop til we dropped, my legs are killing me right now and I feel as if I had been beaten up!
To finish this lovely day, I went to the cinema and saw karate kid, ahaha, such a funny movie!! Loved it!!
Well, that was my day, oh but not to forget when I logged in to facbook and saw all the "happy birthday Sanna" that really made me glad!! Thank ou guys for being so sweet! Love to you guys! <3
Ok then so I have to mention some of my presents!!! Like A new camera!!!!!! Now finally i can take some quality pics!!
And clothes ofcourse, and make up from body shop yes, shoes from south africa!! Loads of moldavan candy! And a "date" with my lovely friend Maria! (tho I dont know yet what we are gonna do,but that is the best part, sooo exiting!!)
Well, now I am one year older, i feel like I got younger tho, (just like benjamin button :O hmm)..and I had a super great day!!
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