fredag 15 oktober 2010

On and on and on

Have you noticed how funny life is?
That life is full of paradoxes
How there is always a need of balance

No matter how much you grow and mature there is always more to grow and mature in,
And when you have reached one goal, then there is another one waiting for you.

The more I learn, the more questions I have
The more I grow, the smaller I feel

The more I get, the more I need to give away
The more authority, the more I need to depend on God

Make sure to walk forward, from where you are, one step at a time and never get contented. It is better to do one thing properly, than to rush through and get something that won´t last, so let things take their time, to sink in, to grow and to develop!

You are never finished and life is a work in progress!
So if you are not perfect quite yet, do not worry, we are all in that place
We all need to stretch out

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