So here it comes, a little bit about my trip to USA!
I was there for 2.5 weeks and alot happened so I will just write a bunch of things and put a "headline" and you read whatever seems interesting.
ALL the flights were a disaster. I have never in my life had such a hard time getting anywhere! First we had the Sweden-Usa. I got stuck in Washington Dc and missed my flight becasue of the imigration line, so it took me 24 hours to get to my destination St Louis.
Then from St Louis-Pittsburgh I had my flight cancelled, rebooked and then delayed.
Back to Sweden they lost my luggage, so I am still waiting for them to find it haha...
I have family back in St Louis, my uncle and aunt and a 3 year old cousin. I got to celebrate Christmas with them and I also got to meet a big part of my relatives in Usa at Christmas eve, so that was fun and unexpected..I kinda didnt know I had more relatives there..but there we go!
Then I got sick and my family too, so we were taking it easy but we got to see some Christmas light shows, and national parks..
Where to begin..Pittsburgh Pittsburgh..I totally love that city! It is charming and cute, and has alot of bridges! I especially liked a part that is called the strip district! There is food and noise and people from all over the world, just perfect for me! What else...well, I got to go to Starbucks I need to say more than YES!
I also got to meet alot of amazing people! Old friends and new friends! So much fun spending time with all of them! I was at the Mcm school for three days so I am really exited now to go on the trip with them in May!
Annnnnnd I got a nosepiercing! :D
Ok, ofcourse I did alot more and I have a bunch of stories but this is just a quickie summery!