Barcelona is without doubt one of the most interesting places I ever visited so far! It breathes culture! I feel like I have found a place where people are culture estetic not just in certain areas, but the whole city is culture, architeture, music, history! Wow! Everything here is art, the clothing shops, the people, the houses, the churches! People dress so cool, and the music is jazzy and latino inspired at the same time. I love it! I have no idea how I am supposed to manage to see and do everything in two days! I feel like a child that walked into a huge toy store and just want to touch and see and explore everything!
Today I took a walk around an area called La Rambla, and found an interior design shop that I stayed in for more than one hour I think.
The shop had stuff like bowls and cups and art and jewelery and clocks and a bunch of statue thingies and almost everything was inspired by a mosaiacs type of style. In fact I think alot in this city is inspired by that.
I wanted to buy everything ofcourse! But I decided I will take a day and think about what I could actually use, so probably some kitchen thingy it will be..but wow...that store had almost everything I want to decorate my house with in the future..hard since I live three hours away by flight and the shop is here...they should just open one in Stockholm in my opinion.
Now I know I can get very entusiastic about alot but this time I mean it, REALLY, this city is worth big times to see! I need to, want to and will come back here someday and make sure I have more time then.
Tomorrow I hope to see some cool museums, I saw a sign for an art museum..so hopefully that will be something worth seeing!
But now I will do something that goes against my will, but was a choice made out of me trying to think smart; I will go to sleep. Despite all the lights and people and music outside! Cause tomorrow I plan to never go to sleep and then I have to have some energy to draw from! So gonite!
And oh yeah, I might mention that I think this city is so cool despite that it was pouring rain the entire day and all is wet and grey.
Imagine the summer then..I need to go back here..for real
This has totally inspired me to check out Barcelona someday. Is it pricey to fly from Sweden to Spain?