I have become used to it.
I live in a sociaty where relationships and marriage no longer are respected or valued.
Where promises dont mean anything, but what you feel like doing for the moment is what matters.
Where individualism has suffocated families and doing what is "best for me" is the trend. But what we loose because this is so much more important;
Trust,reliance, knowing that the one closest to you never will turn their back on you but always be there. That is worth way more.
But this is not something that will just fall on you, having a functioning family is something you need to work for.
To put the other one higher than yourself.
I know, you are not allowed to say that in Sweden. Higher than yourself?!
What about my dreams and my desires?
But do you know what?
Investing in other people makes them want to invest in you and then it is a win win situation. You put him/her higher, she/he puts you higher.
But the fall is hard when you stand alone.
The reason for this blog post is that there are commercials on tv and everywhere around the city for a site that encourages unfaithfulness
The fact that people even think it is ok.
Sure, play around a little..but to what cost? Is not the person next to you worth so much more?
There might be issues in the relationship, but then you work on it..or you dont make those promises.
Promises are made to be kept.
To cheat will not solve anything,not in anyones life, it will create more problems.
I think it is awful that this website is making this sort of propaganda and use the fact that people have a hard time.
Not just to cost of the person using it, but to the partner that doesnt know anything.
But as I said, Im starting to get used this. It does not shock me anymore and that is scary.
I choose to see the marriage as something you need to take care of
To protect the one I give my promises to.
I know that once you said your yes, it is for life, it is a decision to love that person everyday.
Cause I would never want to be cheated on, like no one else wants to be.
I have never reacted this strongly on anything that I have seen advertised before, but this one...
Famlilies are already broken, so why dont we try and build them up instead. Advertise that!
God created the family as a safe zone..and I wish more people could have it how it was intended to be.
But that is a choice.