tisdag 6 december 2011
After alot, ALOT of techiniqual problems with my blog, I can finally write again! Yeaih!
Tonight me, and a group of people did a fun,crazy and exciting thing. We spread out in a train that was crowded, then one started to sing, all of the sudden I responded. Then one after one sang along until the whole group were standing up singing.
And the people on the train were chocked haha..but as soon as they got it they started to sing along!
Now this was an advertisment for SOS christmas show! You better be there, it will be great!
lördag 14 maj 2011
See what you see
New song, inspired by the amazing week we had in Stockholm.
Give me your heart
For a people with broken ones
Give me a heart that bleeds
for the right cause
Let your passion burn deep inside
so that I may find
That the people around me
are the ones you died for
So I pray that I will see
their lives being restored
One by one
each precious soul
One by one
in your hand, you hold
The joy of your heart are the lost
being reached
So give me, give me a heart that sees
Sees what you you see
I pray that, I will see with your eyes
That when I close mine
I see your visions inside
For a people that needs you
despite them turning their back on you
You reach and stretch out
til faith overcomes the doubt
Give me your heart to
Search for them
Like you searched for me
Find them
You found me so I believe
that you can restore them
cause the life you give is real
So give me your heart so that I see
See what you see
Give me your heart
For a people with broken ones
Give me a heart that bleeds
for the right cause
Let your passion burn deep inside
so that I may find
That the people around me
are the ones you died for
So I pray that I will see
their lives being restored
One by one
each precious soul
One by one
in your hand, you hold
The joy of your heart are the lost
being reached
So give me, give me a heart that sees
Sees what you you see
I pray that, I will see with your eyes
That when I close mine
I see your visions inside
For a people that needs you
despite them turning their back on you
You reach and stretch out
til faith overcomes the doubt
Give me your heart to
Search for them
Like you searched for me
Find them
You found me so I believe
that you can restore them
cause the life you give is real
So give me your heart so that I see
See what you see
onsdag 27 april 2011
Work is fun...and crazy
From the happiest laughter to the highest pitch scream that hurts your ears in an indescribable way. That´s how it is when you work with little children. (or have little children I assume)
During the 3-4 hours I got to experience a range of emotions in a very quick and shifting way- life is exiting when you are with them.
But you know what? Life is really exiting and fun and challenging when you have to take care of kids but I love it. I think I have the best job, and the sweetest kids and they ruin my routines and plans and the boxes I am stuck in and they enjoy little stupid things that grown ups forgot how to enjoy. Life is more exiting when you are a child..or when you are with a child...or like a child haha )
During the 3-4 hours I got to experience a range of emotions in a very quick and shifting way- life is exiting when you are with them.
But you know what? Life is really exiting and fun and challenging when you have to take care of kids but I love it. I think I have the best job, and the sweetest kids and they ruin my routines and plans and the boxes I am stuck in and they enjoy little stupid things that grown ups forgot how to enjoy. Life is more exiting when you are a child..or when you are with a child...or like a child haha )
måndag 25 april 2011
Dizzy morning

Usually when I wake up in the morning I feel a little blurry...
I walk into things and can´t really talk proporly..my words are just blabla..so I am a reeeeeeeally good listener like around 30 minutes after I woke up, cause I still can´t really talk but I am awake enough to hear haha (there are exceptions though) this was not what i was gonna write about but it is just to give you the picture..you have it?
This morning I woke up, being confused as usual, walking 3 times to the same place because I forget what to do in there and as i walk back and forth to the bathroom I walk by some bags that I need to take to the special trash cause its glass and plastics and such.
Twice I feel that my foot hurts, so I decide after a while to see why and I see this looooooong sharp glass piece peeking out of the bag, and I look down on my foot that now has the evidence of blood on the floor. Yep, I cut my foot bloody..and did not react cause I am soo dizzy in the morning...but now I have a band aid on and have to walk alittle on my toes so it won´t hurt. What to do when you don´t depend on coffee anymore?
Dance cleaning
I turn on the computer...wait for a couple of seconds...
Log into spotify...press on the DANCE album list and
TURN the volume UP!!!!!! really really loud, like ouch loud and then
time to make the cleaning fun....by dancing with the vacuum cleaner!
Who said cleaning has to be boring!
Log into spotify...press on the DANCE album list and
TURN the volume UP!!!!!! really really loud, like ouch loud and then
time to make the cleaning fun....by dancing with the vacuum cleaner!
Who said cleaning has to be boring!
lördag 23 april 2011

There is something I have been thinking about theese past days.
I dont know who reads my blog and I dont know if you who read are an ateist, christian or whatever you call yourself..but there is something in common for all of us.
Nomatter what you call yourself, we all make mistakes and wrongs, we all have feelings and we all can rise and fall.
No matter who you are, it is your heart that matters.
Now this is a very cliche thing to say, but I am not talking about the typical heart babble...
What I want to say is:
God gives every human a chance before him and he looks to the heart but what is in your heart will show, not just by your thaughts or intentions.
If you say you want to know if there is a God, then you would search for him, and you would find him..and not give up that easily cause your heart would push you to it.
And if you claim that you have found God and you want him, then you would draw yourself close to him.
And if you want say that you have love but there is nothing that shows it..no actions to back up your words, how true is it then?
Now I am not writing this to judge anyone, I am not a judge..and I myself need to think of theese things that I just said..
But really, it is so easy to just go with the flow in life and forget to bring your heart to it.
We all need to guard our hearts, cause everything we do flows from it
onsdag 20 april 2011
The sun is shiiiiiiiining
I had a busy busy busy day today! The sun is shining, I have my light spring jacket on, my hair is blowing in the wind and everything feels so much easier even with only 5 hours of sleep..so since the sun is shining and life is more enjoyable it becomes more fun to have a busy scheduale.
So during this day I have had time to:
Go to school
Have a fika with a friend
Visit a friend
Visit yet another friend
Being part of recordning a bible school trailer
And finally going to another city for a rock concert...
And getting to know knew friends :)
If only the sun was shining most of the year coffee would be outdated
So during this day I have had time to:
Go to school
Have a fika with a friend
Visit a friend
Visit yet another friend
Being part of recordning a bible school trailer
And finally going to another city for a rock concert...
And getting to know knew friends :)
If only the sun was shining most of the year coffee would be outdated
måndag 11 april 2011
fredag 8 april 2011
måndag 4 april 2011
Monday food
What to do on a monday evening to relax but to make home made meatballs with my roomie and sing and dance to the classic music of backstreet boys...
You should be here, the atmosphere of soft voices a la pop from the 90´s and the smell of home made food...mmmmmm
Ps: My roomie has made me laugh so much tonight, let me quote her:
" But Sanna, if you cannot drink coffee to get energy then you can drink redbull"
" we are not making meatballs, they dont look like balls, we are making meatsquares"
Haha, meatsquares, a new speciality!
You should be here, the atmosphere of soft voices a la pop from the 90´s and the smell of home made food...mmmmmm
Ps: My roomie has made me laugh so much tonight, let me quote her:
" But Sanna, if you cannot drink coffee to get energy then you can drink redbull"
" we are not making meatballs, they dont look like balls, we are making meatsquares"
Haha, meatsquares, a new speciality!
lördag 2 april 2011
Sing it in russian
Today I wrote a song in russian for the first time..or I translated one of my old songs into russian..but it was hard.
Russian words are so long I had to rewrite the sentences instead of just saying it the same way as in english.
But tada! I did it and tomorrow I will sing it in my international church! Looking forward to it!
Russian words are so long I had to rewrite the sentences instead of just saying it the same way as in english.
But tada! I did it and tomorrow I will sing it in my international church! Looking forward to it!
torsdag 31 mars 2011
Sugar free...again

Have you ever made a decision influenced by the convincing speach or passion another person has. You know, those people who make you loose your arguments when you try to say against them..well, once again I fell into the sugarfree trap and made a promise to live basically without sweets during april...I was convinced and inspired at the moment..now I live off the decision..if I said yes, then my yes should be a yes.
So a sugarfree april...I will have an easter egg filled with fruit!
Sugar? No thanks!
tisdag 29 mars 2011
Detail vision
I have a really annoing gift.
I see details in rooms, like if a little thing in one room doesnt match the carpet, or if the colours in a room dont go good together.
I see when things dont stand straight, like chairs, pillows, decorative things..
I always vision things, like how it could look, how you can combinate and change a room to make it feel more right.
This could be a really good thing to know, like when you move in to a new place to make it nice..or it makes me wanna keep it clean.
But it is also very distracting..cuz when I am supposed to focuse I am seeing all of theese things and it triggers my mind to start planning the improving of my house! Bahhhhhhhh...I wish I could switch it off! I need to study!
I see details in rooms, like if a little thing in one room doesnt match the carpet, or if the colours in a room dont go good together.
I see when things dont stand straight, like chairs, pillows, decorative things..
I always vision things, like how it could look, how you can combinate and change a room to make it feel more right.
This could be a really good thing to know, like when you move in to a new place to make it nice..or it makes me wanna keep it clean.
But it is also very distracting..cuz when I am supposed to focuse I am seeing all of theese things and it triggers my mind to start planning the improving of my house! Bahhhhhhhh...I wish I could switch it off! I need to study!
lördag 26 mars 2011
Back to the 80´s

Every girl knows that picking out clothes can be a big problem sometimes..espacially when you feel like you want to wear a certain type of clothes but you dont seem to have it in your possesion. So then you pick out something and then change and then change and then change again, til you finally put on the thing you had on first and feel somewhat not happy with your outfit for the rest of the day...oh man..what issues we have!
Anyways, today I had that problem..but not in the cathagory of trying to look nice and feel like "you" but digging through my closet trying to find clothes that look like the 80´s...basically trying to find stuff to look funny in.
I figured something out..leopard and pink wooho!
But it made me think, how could they wear theese clothes and not see how insane it looked?
Do you think we will look back in 20 years and think that what we were wearing in 10´s was ugly? Is it even possible to ever have a fashion that extreme again? I think not. But I bet it was a blast in the 80´s wearing all those clothes..very colourful and fun!
torsdag 17 mars 2011
To cheat or not to cheat, should not be the question.
I have become used to it.
I live in a sociaty where relationships and marriage no longer are respected or valued.
Where promises dont mean anything, but what you feel like doing for the moment is what matters.
Where individualism has suffocated families and doing what is "best for me" is the trend. But what we loose because this is so much more important;
Trust,reliance, knowing that the one closest to you never will turn their back on you but always be there. That is worth way more.
But this is not something that will just fall on you, having a functioning family is something you need to work for.
To put the other one higher than yourself.
I know, you are not allowed to say that in Sweden. Higher than yourself?!
What about my dreams and my desires?
But do you know what?
Investing in other people makes them want to invest in you and then it is a win win situation. You put him/her higher, she/he puts you higher.
But the fall is hard when you stand alone.
The reason for this blog post is that there are commercials on tv and everywhere around the city for a site that encourages unfaithfulness
The fact that people even think it is ok.
Sure, play around a little..but to what cost? Is not the person next to you worth so much more?
There might be issues in the relationship, but then you work on it..or you dont make those promises.
Promises are made to be kept.
To cheat will not solve anything,not in anyones life, it will create more problems.
I think it is awful that this website is making this sort of propaganda and use the fact that people have a hard time.
Not just to cost of the person using it, but to the partner that doesnt know anything.
But as I said, Im starting to get used this. It does not shock me anymore and that is scary.
I choose to see the marriage as something you need to take care of
To protect the one I give my promises to.
I know that once you said your yes, it is for life, it is a decision to love that person everyday.
Cause I would never want to be cheated on, like no one else wants to be.
I have never reacted this strongly on anything that I have seen advertised before, but this one...
Famlilies are already broken, so why dont we try and build them up instead. Advertise that!
God created the family as a safe zone..and I wish more people could have it how it was intended to be.
But that is a choice.
I live in a sociaty where relationships and marriage no longer are respected or valued.
Where promises dont mean anything, but what you feel like doing for the moment is what matters.
Where individualism has suffocated families and doing what is "best for me" is the trend. But what we loose because this is so much more important;
Trust,reliance, knowing that the one closest to you never will turn their back on you but always be there. That is worth way more.
But this is not something that will just fall on you, having a functioning family is something you need to work for.
To put the other one higher than yourself.
I know, you are not allowed to say that in Sweden. Higher than yourself?!
What about my dreams and my desires?
But do you know what?
Investing in other people makes them want to invest in you and then it is a win win situation. You put him/her higher, she/he puts you higher.
But the fall is hard when you stand alone.
The reason for this blog post is that there are commercials on tv and everywhere around the city for a site that encourages unfaithfulness
The fact that people even think it is ok.
Sure, play around a little..but to what cost? Is not the person next to you worth so much more?
There might be issues in the relationship, but then you work on it..or you dont make those promises.
Promises are made to be kept.
To cheat will not solve anything,not in anyones life, it will create more problems.
I think it is awful that this website is making this sort of propaganda and use the fact that people have a hard time.
Not just to cost of the person using it, but to the partner that doesnt know anything.
But as I said, Im starting to get used this. It does not shock me anymore and that is scary.
I choose to see the marriage as something you need to take care of
To protect the one I give my promises to.
I know that once you said your yes, it is for life, it is a decision to love that person everyday.
Cause I would never want to be cheated on, like no one else wants to be.
I have never reacted this strongly on anything that I have seen advertised before, but this one...
Famlilies are already broken, so why dont we try and build them up instead. Advertise that!
God created the family as a safe zone..and I wish more people could have it how it was intended to be.
But that is a choice.
söndag 13 mars 2011
Barca day 2
Dear diary..I mean blog
Today I woke up and went to eat a a cafe, had churros(fried dough) and an omelette that looked like a pie..tasted like an omelette though..which is what matters, and a weird juice made out of cashew fruit, a good surprise I must say.
Breakfast is somehow much yummier when you eat it outside of ypur own house...
Then we got ourselves a ticket to the tour bus and got on it. AND THE CITY IS EVEN PRETTIER than I thought!!
every other building looks like a piece of art and there is sooooooooooooo much history behind alot of them. This makes me frustrated cuz I didnt have the time to enter one museum yet, not anything else like that..no castles, no monatries...I need more time!!!
The ride on the bus was a long one, because Barcelona is sorta a big city.
I jumped of at the beach and the wind was mild, and the sun was shining and people were going on rollerskates and boards, and surfing and lying on the beach trying to get a tan. The weather was in other words JUST PEACHY :) took a long walk along the shore after chasing the waves for a while and getting my pants soaked and sandy.
Ate a lot of icecream in the warm warm sun, meanwhile amazing street musicains where playing their songs making the atmosphere even more sweet in a retro sort of way.
Later on, the tour again to see the Gothic district, the Barca stadium (oh yeah) the sagrada familia (an insanly cool church) the castles and wnet by alot of museums that I really just wanted to visit (all of them) like the history of catalonia, chocolate museum, picasso, contemparay art, the park of Gaudi (the man who made alot of the cool architecture on Barcelona, like for instanse Sagrada the familia, which took him 40 years and still wasnt finished)
I had an intense and fun day but when I was going to have my fika of the night..or food of the night I lost my dad and i got lost...and I had very little money on me..and no working phone, and it was late and dark.
So, I aksed and looked and walked and walked and finally I found my way, after more than one hour. Then I was lucky and found a little shop that was open til late so I had some night milk haha :) So now I am here, writing this drinking my milk!
One more day and then..¨Sweden you better be ready to be getting some spring cause I do not wanna come back to winter!
lördag 12 mars 2011

Barcelona is without doubt one of the most interesting places I ever visited so far! It breathes culture! I feel like I have found a place where people are culture estetic not just in certain areas, but the whole city is culture, architeture, music, history! Wow! Everything here is art, the clothing shops, the people, the houses, the churches! People dress so cool, and the music is jazzy and latino inspired at the same time. I love it! I have no idea how I am supposed to manage to see and do everything in two days! I feel like a child that walked into a huge toy store and just want to touch and see and explore everything!
Today I took a walk around an area called La Rambla, and found an interior design shop that I stayed in for more than one hour I think.
The shop had stuff like bowls and cups and art and jewelery and clocks and a bunch of statue thingies and almost everything was inspired by a mosaiacs type of style. In fact I think alot in this city is inspired by that.
I wanted to buy everything ofcourse! But I decided I will take a day and think about what I could actually use, so probably some kitchen thingy it will be..but wow...that store had almost everything I want to decorate my house with in the future..hard since I live three hours away by flight and the shop is here...they should just open one in Stockholm in my opinion.
Now I know I can get very entusiastic about alot but this time I mean it, REALLY, this city is worth big times to see! I need to, want to and will come back here someday and make sure I have more time then.
Tomorrow I hope to see some cool museums, I saw a sign for an art museum..so hopefully that will be something worth seeing!
But now I will do something that goes against my will, but was a choice made out of me trying to think smart; I will go to sleep. Despite all the lights and people and music outside! Cause tomorrow I plan to never go to sleep and then I have to have some energy to draw from! So gonite!
And oh yeah, I might mention that I think this city is so cool despite that it was pouring rain the entire day and all is wet and grey.
Imagine the summer then..I need to go back here..for real
måndag 7 mars 2011
Wow, what a Supersunday we had at Nalen!
A bunch of people came that usually dont go to church and Johannes preached so well with illustrations made by some other amazing Sos people! I am so proud over my church!
I had the joy to sing on stage and as Johannes invited people for salvation it was so cool to see peoples faces and how they were touched by God. God really did something! People were also healed!
It is amazing to be part of an alive and growing church in the big city and see miracles and transformed lives...and fun too!
söndag 6 mars 2011
say 3 positive things

Since I am always saying "find 3 positive things" about every situation, I thaught I would do it this morning aswell, when my throat is killing me, and my cough did not let me have much sleep! BUT:
1. I got to wake up and know that I have a HOT shower that really awakens and sothes the rispy throat :)
2. I had my mom take care of me yesterday..and thats LOVE
3. I get to have a whisky voice and that is olalala! So I am gonna enjoy it :D
See, now all of the sudden it is not as bad to be a little sick, one might even say a little fun! Now you try!
torsdag 3 mars 2011
Browncheese Norway
I am in Norway..the land of browncheese, people that sound happy when they speak, bread in overflow and snow and nature!
Norway is sweet! :)
Norway is sweet! :)
tisdag 1 mars 2011
Random trip to Norway
Patricia is in my house dancing salsa with me, while we are waiting to leave for NORWAY!!! Yes, I decided like one or two hours ago I would go to Norway! Fun stuff!But it is hard to pack, I want to bring my closet but I realized t wont fit in my little bag..but I will stuff it all I can!!!
I am way to lazy to take a pic of us dancing and way to lazy to upload it..but I promise I will try to not be lazy in Norway and take some pics!
See ya later Sweden!!
I am way to lazy to take a pic of us dancing and way to lazy to upload it..but I promise I will try to not be lazy in Norway and take some pics!
See ya later Sweden!!
måndag 28 februari 2011
Masmo adventures
Went to the amazing Jenssens and company after church yesterday and got to bring my second half Kristina, just in case I needed a safe zone.
But in my naiv belief that all my friends are kind and innocent people I was fooled, beyond reason! They gathered against me, using technologi and made me think that a guy I dont know knew a bunch of things about me..like where I was born, what city my mom is from and how old I was when I had my first appartment..and lots more!
But, finally the truth came out..that they were cooparating, even the woman to my right! Ouch! ;)
Except that little scenario it was a pretty chill night, we stayed until 2 and had to walk home from Masmo to Alby..and we got lost in the middle of the night.
After meeting a nice girl that showed us the way we were finally home at 3 am, and then offcourse we had to eat and talk..
Who said you get to sleep during break?
But in my naiv belief that all my friends are kind and innocent people I was fooled, beyond reason! They gathered against me, using technologi and made me think that a guy I dont know knew a bunch of things about me..like where I was born, what city my mom is from and how old I was when I had my first appartment..and lots more!
But, finally the truth came out..that they were cooparating, even the woman to my right! Ouch! ;)
Except that little scenario it was a pretty chill night, we stayed until 2 and had to walk home from Masmo to Alby..and we got lost in the middle of the night.
After meeting a nice girl that showed us the way we were finally home at 3 am, and then offcourse we had to eat and talk..
Who said you get to sleep during break?
lördag 26 februari 2011
I was not planning going to youth yesterday..but then I met some really fun teenagers that we invited and so I went with them.
I planned to have a quiet saturday morning, but it ended up with me sleeping over at youth lockdown, wearing the same clothes as I was wearing the entire day..no toothbrush, no cover,and sleeping on the floor! But I got to borrow a sleeping bag and I was just gross for one day. So thats ok.
But IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I forgot how much fun it is to be a teen! Sleepovers, movie nights until mornings, and playing games :)
Aaand eating breakfast in the church together looking tired! Now, that bonds people :)
I planned to have a quiet saturday morning, but it ended up with me sleeping over at youth lockdown, wearing the same clothes as I was wearing the entire day..no toothbrush, no cover,and sleeping on the floor! But I got to borrow a sleeping bag and I was just gross for one day. So thats ok.
But IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I forgot how much fun it is to be a teen! Sleepovers, movie nights until mornings, and playing games :)
Aaand eating breakfast in the church together looking tired! Now, that bonds people :)
torsdag 24 februari 2011
Oh my word

Words create.
When you and I speak, we might not always think of what we say, but the words coming out of our mouth are words that create something in the person that is listening.
The Bible says that (proverbs 12.18) those who not think when they speak, their words are like swords..hurtful. But those who speak with wisdom, their words are healing. One word can make a big difference.
So lets use our words in a wise way, in an up building way. In a way that will be a blessing to other people.
Now, I am not saying that you should be serious all the time, neither that you always have to be poetic and throwing around compliments.
Nahh, be yourself, but make sure you make other people feel comfortable being themselves. Appreciate the people around you, and tell them that.
What you speak, is what you will see in your life.
Speak good things and you will se good things.
Speak what you want to be, like you already are, and you will become what you speak.
And most important, speak the word of God because that makes the biggest difference!!
måndag 21 februari 2011
The food language

There has been alot of talking about different types of love languages in my house..I am not talking dating, I am talking about what makes you feel loved..from a parent, a friend or a partner..
Me and my roomie we were talking, but I could seriuosly not figure out what mine was..I mean, all of them sound important..
But this week my roomie made me a sandwich because she knew I overslept and the entire day I felt so loved and I loved her even more!
Then today a friend brought me food to my rehearsal because I didnt have time to fix anything, and I still feel loved! So what language do I speak? The food language?
But its not even that it is food, it is that they gave me food, when I needed it the most :)I have the most awesome friends!
By the way, I am talking about the 5 love languages from the book that I think has the same title. The lingos are;
Psysical contact
Time and attention
I still havent read the book..but I have heard so much about it, that maybe it would be time to read it.
fredag 18 februari 2011
torsdag 17 februari 2011
onsdag 16 februari 2011
tisdag 15 februari 2011
Plattan people

I think it is so much fun to take time to go somewhere and think..
So I was at the culturehouse library lying on the pillows on the floor staring at the snowflakes coming down..through the window..(they have a pillow area made for that so it is not weird)
And while Kristina and Patricia where eating their chicken, I was looking at all the people walking by at Plattan, and they were looking at me.
And I and Patricia were thinking about how it would be if all those people would be saved. Imagine a saved Stockholm..Yes, I want to see that, it looks nice in my thoughts but would be even nicer in real life.
A new, saved, happy Stockholm :)
fredag 11 februari 2011
Yes, we are the annoying people on the train
I need help!
I am with a crazy woman on the train. She is leaning towards me, looking at me with the crazy eyes and and tries to tickle my legs..not working..
Fortunatly I know this woman..Patricia! But everyone else on the train who don´t know her, their swedish silence rutin is being ruined! Haha!
I am so enjoying this!
I am with a crazy woman on the train. She is leaning towards me, looking at me with the crazy eyes and and tries to tickle my legs..not working..
Fortunatly I know this woman..Patricia! But everyone else on the train who don´t know her, their swedish silence rutin is being ruined! Haha!
I am so enjoying this!
torsdag 10 februari 2011
Lets define passion, it is so common to use this word without thinking through what it actually means. So, I googled it.
Passion. Means beasically you are crazy about something, either it is positive or negative. It means you have no restrainings, and a strong feeling of something is pushing you.
I found synonymes for it and they said: Hot blooded, firey, heated, unrestrained, intense,entusiastic, exited and believe me or not..obsessed or possessed..
Another thing that I found is that the suffering of Christ is catagorized as passion aswell. I love that! His passion for us- his extreme, intense, firey love drove him to be unrestrained in his obedience and sacrifice, he was entusiastic to do whatever it took to be with us! Isnt that amazing!
Being obsessed with something is to think about all the time, is to not see the hinders around you. It is when something infiltrates your emotions and thoughts and colours it all. In most cases that is negative!
But being obsessed with Jesus, being filled with his fire drives you to be a better person, to love like he loved and to live a full life.
Now what is it that gives passion?
I dont know how it is for you, but for me it is when I start to see the small things, when I sense, feel and think alot about something it makes me passionate.
When I investe in it alot I love it alot, and when I love it alot, I get passionate!
Like, the quite worship in the morning, or looking at the stars knowing he created them for me, or a little word that makes the whole day!
Basically passion makes you talk alot about whatever you are passionate about, do it alot, and spend alot of energy on it. It drives you to do more than enough!
I want more passion for God, He has so much passion for you and me!
Passion. Not of this world, but Gods type of passion! To me it is:
P-Pure love
A-All consuming
N-Never ending
Passion! Lets go for it!!!!
Passion. Means beasically you are crazy about something, either it is positive or negative. It means you have no restrainings, and a strong feeling of something is pushing you.
I found synonymes for it and they said: Hot blooded, firey, heated, unrestrained, intense,entusiastic, exited and believe me or not..obsessed or possessed..
Another thing that I found is that the suffering of Christ is catagorized as passion aswell. I love that! His passion for us- his extreme, intense, firey love drove him to be unrestrained in his obedience and sacrifice, he was entusiastic to do whatever it took to be with us! Isnt that amazing!
Being obsessed with something is to think about all the time, is to not see the hinders around you. It is when something infiltrates your emotions and thoughts and colours it all. In most cases that is negative!
But being obsessed with Jesus, being filled with his fire drives you to be a better person, to love like he loved and to live a full life.
Now what is it that gives passion?
I dont know how it is for you, but for me it is when I start to see the small things, when I sense, feel and think alot about something it makes me passionate.
When I investe in it alot I love it alot, and when I love it alot, I get passionate!
Like, the quite worship in the morning, or looking at the stars knowing he created them for me, or a little word that makes the whole day!
Basically passion makes you talk alot about whatever you are passionate about, do it alot, and spend alot of energy on it. It drives you to do more than enough!
I want more passion for God, He has so much passion for you and me!
Passion. Not of this world, but Gods type of passion! To me it is:
P-Pure love
A-All consuming
N-Never ending
Passion! Lets go for it!!!!
måndag 7 februari 2011
Fruity fruit

One reason for making a shopping list before you go to the grocery shop is because EVERYTHING looks so interesting and very eatable, espacially when you are shopping food being hungry.
I bought many, MANY sorts of fruits, some slighty weird.
At least I was a good girl and bought fruit and not chocalate in my hungershopping, Hooray to me!
I now have fruit for breakfast, fruit for lunch and guess what for dinner?
That´s right! FRUIT!!
onsdag 2 februari 2011
Eye shopping

I took a walk in the city today (read: inside the stores) and the spring collection has arrived! Blue, yellow, pink flowerish and so cute shirts and dresses!
Then I walked into another shop with jewelery and ofcourse they are making a big deal out of it cause of valentines..bling bling all over..
Then I walked into a practical store, and were looking for a doorhanger for my room and that I will be buying, even tho the bling bling is tempting! But...
The rest, ALL the dresses and jewelery will be mine in a dream!
So good night!
tisdag 1 februari 2011
Real life-life in Jesus
There are thousands and thousands of children and youth today in Sweden that feel so miserable that they are willing to take their lives.
They live a life full of anxiety,no safe place to be, no one to trust, no one who tells them what life is about.
How do I know?
I used to be one of them.
This is such a cliche if you heard it, but not if you lived it.
Today I found out that someone I knew no longer is alive because of this reason.
That should not happen.
It could have been me.
I could have been the one who had no more strenght left.
The one that couldn´t see what life is for
THE ONLY difference is Jesus.
I was found by God, and I accepted Him in my life, He is the difference!
Now you can say there is no such thing as God, that Jesus never really died for our sake. But I am alive in Him today not by words but by action.
He transforms, he delivers, he gives life, he loves and forgives.
Not only by words but by making a change on the inside.
By wiping away tears, by making a sad person a happy one.
But also by healing from sickness, giving the blind eyesight, the deaf their hearing!
I have seen this, and I have experienced this myself! Not just heard of it.
He transformed me, into a person who is happy now.
he used me, to pray for people who are sick and actually see them healed.
Jesus is alive and he gives a real reason to live.
Why am I saying this?
I dont want to hear anymore that someone died because they didn´t know that their life was so valuable that God himself paid the HIGHEST price for it.
Instead of being so stubborn and and work against God, why dont you just give your heart to the one who will take care of it the best. He protects it, heals it, and loves you.
To good to be true, unrealistic, childish you might say.
But all I know is that I, who once were miserable beoyond words now have a joy for real. A true love in my life.
And that I am not ashamed of. And that I want you to have.
Yes you, you, who have a great life with all the stuff you need but feel unsatisfied.
You, who cry every night
You, who feel pain in your chest when you think of the future.
It does not matter who you are
You can have peace with God today through Jesus
Just pray honest from your heart
Believe in your heart, confess with your mouth and He will hear you!
And please if you need someone, come to Soschurch in Stockholm,
we want to have you there!
They live a life full of anxiety,no safe place to be, no one to trust, no one who tells them what life is about.
How do I know?
I used to be one of them.
This is such a cliche if you heard it, but not if you lived it.
Today I found out that someone I knew no longer is alive because of this reason.
That should not happen.
It could have been me.
I could have been the one who had no more strenght left.
The one that couldn´t see what life is for
THE ONLY difference is Jesus.
I was found by God, and I accepted Him in my life, He is the difference!
Now you can say there is no such thing as God, that Jesus never really died for our sake. But I am alive in Him today not by words but by action.
He transforms, he delivers, he gives life, he loves and forgives.
Not only by words but by making a change on the inside.
By wiping away tears, by making a sad person a happy one.
But also by healing from sickness, giving the blind eyesight, the deaf their hearing!
I have seen this, and I have experienced this myself! Not just heard of it.
He transformed me, into a person who is happy now.
he used me, to pray for people who are sick and actually see them healed.
Jesus is alive and he gives a real reason to live.
Why am I saying this?
I dont want to hear anymore that someone died because they didn´t know that their life was so valuable that God himself paid the HIGHEST price for it.
Instead of being so stubborn and and work against God, why dont you just give your heart to the one who will take care of it the best. He protects it, heals it, and loves you.
To good to be true, unrealistic, childish you might say.
But all I know is that I, who once were miserable beoyond words now have a joy for real. A true love in my life.
And that I am not ashamed of. And that I want you to have.
Yes you, you, who have a great life with all the stuff you need but feel unsatisfied.
You, who cry every night
You, who feel pain in your chest when you think of the future.
It does not matter who you are
You can have peace with God today through Jesus
Just pray honest from your heart
Believe in your heart, confess with your mouth and He will hear you!
And please if you need someone, come to Soschurch in Stockholm,
we want to have you there!
tisdag 25 januari 2011
Romantic dinner for three
Having A-K and Filip over for dinner and a movie!
Thay are leaving to Harar for two months and I will miss them!!
But I must say having candle lit dinner and home made food and jazz music in the background is kinda romantic..
And there is three of us..the engaged couple and.....me(the child)...haha..
Romantic dinner for three!
måndag 24 januari 2011
It is good to exercise
"My" kids are so funny, once in a while they say something so cute, so sweet or funny.
Today the eight year old told me when we got off the train on the wrong side of the platform and had to walk a little extra;
"But it is a good thing, because it is good to exercise"
Haha, I was smiling in my heart! Such a healthy kid! :)
Ps; my kids means I work with two kids..not that I actually have kids..
Today the eight year old told me when we got off the train on the wrong side of the platform and had to walk a little extra;
"But it is a good thing, because it is good to exercise"
Haha, I was smiling in my heart! Such a healthy kid! :)
Ps; my kids means I work with two kids..not that I actually have kids..
söndag 23 januari 2011
La familia!
Do you know what I LOVE about my church! Retorical question!
What I love is that is so much like an african, italian, spanish or whatever passionate country culture type of family..basically, it is like a REAL FAMILY!
In a family you laugh, cry, fight, make up, just chill, work, you take responsibility, you get comfort, you help out and you get helped aswell, you love and you cherish, you get appriciated for who you are, and you forgive and learn from eachother.
A family comes with all of theese things and you love each other despite being different, you resolve issues and you become even better as family!
A family you love, because they are your family!
My church is like a libanese family!
What I love is that is so much like an african, italian, spanish or whatever passionate country culture type of family..basically, it is like a REAL FAMILY!
In a family you laugh, cry, fight, make up, just chill, work, you take responsibility, you get comfort, you help out and you get helped aswell, you love and you cherish, you get appriciated for who you are, and you forgive and learn from eachother.
A family comes with all of theese things and you love each other despite being different, you resolve issues and you become even better as family!
A family you love, because they are your family!
My church is like a libanese family!
lördag 22 januari 2011
Checklist for a good weekend
Ingridients for a good saturday
Waking up late
Cleaning (yes I mean it, it creates a sense of relief when you come home)
Taking a looooong time to get ready
Junkie food-check
Babbling about interesting and not so much interesting things with your girls-check
Staying up late-check
Playing cards-check
Watch a movie-check
And tomorrows checklist
Late breakfast-check
People coming to my house!! Yes!-check!!
Waking up late
Cleaning (yes I mean it, it creates a sense of relief when you come home)
Taking a looooong time to get ready
Junkie food-check
Babbling about interesting and not so much interesting things with your girls-check
Staying up late-check
Playing cards-check
Watch a movie-check
And tomorrows checklist
Late breakfast-check
People coming to my house!! Yes!-check!!
fredag 21 januari 2011
Prayer, salvations and church!
Got to lead prayer at bibleschool today!
It was so great! That bibleschool is so much fun to lead in worship and prayer, so hungry and passionate!
I see how the class is growing more and more and how God is using them!
We had a great outreach yesterday aswell! Several of the students got to pray with people to salvation on the streets of Stockholm and many of us got to really tell people about Jesus, I am expecting alot of new faces on sunday!
It is so exited living in a multi etnical city and working for the best purpose in the world! To see newly saved and transformed people every week!
It really puts everything in the right perspective! I thank God for letting me be part of this!
It was so great! That bibleschool is so much fun to lead in worship and prayer, so hungry and passionate!
I see how the class is growing more and more and how God is using them!
We had a great outreach yesterday aswell! Several of the students got to pray with people to salvation on the streets of Stockholm and many of us got to really tell people about Jesus, I am expecting alot of new faces on sunday!
It is so exited living in a multi etnical city and working for the best purpose in the world! To see newly saved and transformed people every week!
It really puts everything in the right perspective! I thank God for letting me be part of this!
torsdag 20 januari 2011
The walk with Ina!

I was writing in my blog, I was writing and writing..and in the middle of my writing Ina asked me; Sanna?
Sanna: Yes?
Ina: Are you on facebook?
Sanna: No
Ina: Are you writing in your blog?
Sanna: Yes
Ina: about our walk today?
Sanna: No
Ina: You never write about me in your blog, I want to be part of it ( I am sorry if my words are not 100% acccurate to yours Ina, I tried to remember)
Sanna: Do you want me to write about our walk?
Ina: yes
Sanna: Ok
So here it comes...Ina and I took a lovely long walk today
It was coooooold, and the sky was grey, but the company was THE BEST! Ofcourse I was with Ina, one of my funniest most adorable friends :) I love her!
I dont know what to write about the walk, except that we walked..but I can write about Ina..who is Ina?
Ina is funny, beautiful, adorable and a woman on fire for God! She is reliable, strong and does a great job in the church! Ina, I have so much fun with her, I can be myself with her, and i am so glad she is my friend!
The meaning of names

Have you ever thaught about how much of an identity thing it is with a name?
By finding a name of a person you can find them, if someone knows my name they can find pics of me, info about me, find me on facebook, my email and so on.. and my name is a part of me, a person who knows me refers my name to me. To them a Sanna looks like me..
My name in swedish means truth and people joke alot about that, "true are my words" (name of my blog, Sanna mina ord) and its part of me now...
or in Usa they call me santa(THAT, is not part of my name)..whatever, I had a point..
Have you ever thaught about that God has several names?
His names means things and He is what his name says He is..
One of His names is provider..what does it mean?
Well, just like you can find me by searching my name, you can find God by "searching" provider..
If you search Him for who He is, you will find that He is what His name means.
He is THE provider and He will provide for you and me!
Haha, imagine if it would be like that with all of us..meaning I could never tell a lie..which in fact is really good
tisdag 18 januari 2011
Housewife??? Husmor?? Ama de casa??

Foldning laundry, sweeping dust, putting things in the right place and vacuuming...and actually enjoying it.
I found myself standing folding laundry thinking that is was so relaxing and that I wished I had more time to make it nice, cook, and take care of the house.
WHAT IS THIS?! Sanna the housewife?
Nahh, it is time for disciple making, missions, working in the church! I love my life and me being busy with theese things!
But I guess there is a housewife in me trying to peek out!
So lets welcome, Sanna the housewife!
lördag 15 januari 2011
The jet lag poem
I am up when the sun is down
The whole house is sleeping but not me
All I hear is the ticking sound
Of a clock that tells me it is time to sleep
But my rhytm is in another world
Like lets say Usa
and now this girl
cant seperate night from day
So what do I do?
what I do best
I will write a poem
and then get some rest
I will try again and again
til the morning is here
Itchy eyes tomorrow
and a yawn I will share
But I am on my way
cause I feel it is time
to dream, so I say;
My friends, good night!
The whole house is sleeping but not me
All I hear is the ticking sound
Of a clock that tells me it is time to sleep
But my rhytm is in another world
Like lets say Usa
and now this girl
cant seperate night from day
So what do I do?
what I do best
I will write a poem
and then get some rest
I will try again and again
til the morning is here
Itchy eyes tomorrow
and a yawn I will share
But I am on my way
cause I feel it is time
to dream, so I say;
My friends, good night!
tisdag 11 januari 2011
So here it comes, a little bit about my trip to USA!
I was there for 2.5 weeks and alot happened so I will just write a bunch of things and put a "headline" and you read whatever seems interesting.
ALL the flights were a disaster. I have never in my life had such a hard time getting anywhere! First we had the Sweden-Usa. I got stuck in Washington Dc and missed my flight becasue of the imigration line, so it took me 24 hours to get to my destination St Louis.
Then from St Louis-Pittsburgh I had my flight cancelled, rebooked and then delayed.
Back to Sweden they lost my luggage, so I am still waiting for them to find it haha...
I have family back in St Louis, my uncle and aunt and a 3 year old cousin. I got to celebrate Christmas with them and I also got to meet a big part of my relatives in Usa at Christmas eve, so that was fun and unexpected..I kinda didnt know I had more relatives there..but there we go!
Then I got sick and my family too, so we were taking it easy but we got to see some Christmas light shows, and national parks..
Where to begin..Pittsburgh Pittsburgh..I totally love that city! It is charming and cute, and has alot of bridges! I especially liked a part that is called the strip district! There is food and noise and people from all over the world, just perfect for me! What else...well, I got to go to Starbucks alot..do I need to say more than YES!
I also got to meet alot of amazing people! Old friends and new friends! So much fun spending time with all of them! I was at the Mcm school for three days so I am really exited now to go on the trip with them in May!
Annnnnnd I got a nosepiercing! :D
Ok, ofcourse I did alot more and I have a bunch of stories but this is just a quickie summery!
I was there for 2.5 weeks and alot happened so I will just write a bunch of things and put a "headline" and you read whatever seems interesting.
ALL the flights were a disaster. I have never in my life had such a hard time getting anywhere! First we had the Sweden-Usa. I got stuck in Washington Dc and missed my flight becasue of the imigration line, so it took me 24 hours to get to my destination St Louis.
Then from St Louis-Pittsburgh I had my flight cancelled, rebooked and then delayed.
Back to Sweden they lost my luggage, so I am still waiting for them to find it haha...
I have family back in St Louis, my uncle and aunt and a 3 year old cousin. I got to celebrate Christmas with them and I also got to meet a big part of my relatives in Usa at Christmas eve, so that was fun and unexpected..I kinda didnt know I had more relatives there..but there we go!
Then I got sick and my family too, so we were taking it easy but we got to see some Christmas light shows, and national parks..
Where to begin..Pittsburgh Pittsburgh..I totally love that city! It is charming and cute, and has alot of bridges! I especially liked a part that is called the strip district! There is food and noise and people from all over the world, just perfect for me! What else...well, I got to go to Starbucks alot..do I need to say more than YES!
I also got to meet alot of amazing people! Old friends and new friends! So much fun spending time with all of them! I was at the Mcm school for three days so I am really exited now to go on the trip with them in May!
Annnnnnd I got a nosepiercing! :D
Ok, ofcourse I did alot more and I have a bunch of stories but this is just a quickie summery!
söndag 9 januari 2011
New semster
My first day in sweden and I am up on time and eating my oatmeal and coffee! Thrown back in routines! Today we are gonna have Walter and even tho I am jetlagged and tired I am exited to be back for this new semester!!
I will be upgrading a little about Pittsburgh soon, I had to much to do when I was in the Usa so please forgive me for being boring with my blog!
I will be upgrading a little about Pittsburgh soon, I had to much to do when I was in the Usa so please forgive me for being boring with my blog!
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