onsdag 29 december 2010
It has been snowing..a little..and the cars slide and people are talking and everybody are cold..and all I am thinking is they should try Sweden. A winter wonderland!
måndag 27 december 2010
Sick on Christmas
After waiting and flying and waiting and flying for A WHOLE DAY I finally arrived at St Louis. The first thing that happened when my aunt picked me up is that she gets ill out of nowhere and starts throwing up, just when I arrive..weird.
The next day she feels a bit better but still alittle sick..
Then on Christmas eve night my little cousin gets sick..
and then on Christmas day I start throwing up..WHAT ON EARTH!
And the next day my uncle feels ill..so here we are a bunch of sickos recovering!
Ok, now something totally different, on Christmas eve I found out that I have a bunch of relatives here! I did not know that! I was so surprised..we went to dinner at a house that one of them owns and I got to meet them, that was alot of fun! There are alot of Viamontes around theese areas. Although in Sweden there is only three of us as far as I know.
The next day she feels a bit better but still alittle sick..
Then on Christmas eve night my little cousin gets sick..
and then on Christmas day I start throwing up..WHAT ON EARTH!
And the next day my uncle feels ill..so here we are a bunch of sickos recovering!
Ok, now something totally different, on Christmas eve I found out that I have a bunch of relatives here! I did not know that! I was so surprised..we went to dinner at a house that one of them owns and I got to meet them, that was alot of fun! There are alot of Viamontes around theese areas. Although in Sweden there is only three of us as far as I know.
tisdag 21 december 2010
Wow wow wow, what an evening! Had the bibleschool Christmas party with the theme Musical...I came as a dreamgirl with Lea..so we painted outselves brown and I had on an afrowig! But..my eyes are so itchy and sleepy and I have packing to do, I leave in three hours! I have redbull on my mind..but soon I will be seeing my uncle and family! And in the Usa it is daytime, so I better get used to it.
måndag 20 december 2010
Singing christmas carols
Yesterday me Lea and Pirri were on our way to the church for the last christmas show and just started to sing..like we do sometimes :)
The people on the train were looking at us, not so sure what they were thinking.
Then a man is getting of the train and all of the sudden he turns to me and says, wow that was amazing and puts 30 kronor in my pocket haha.
On our way to the sub we stop and sing alittle more, for ten minutes.
During this time some more people walk up to us and give us money..a total of 90!
That was so hilarious and so much fun!
We ended up buying 2 boxes of nice chocalte and put it out in the dressing room for those in the show!
It was fun spreading some Christmas joy :)and then doing it even more on the actual show!
What a show, what amazing people! I almost wish it was christmas more often, such a great time to reach out to Stockholm, telling then about the true meaning of Christmas. That Jesus came to give the greatest gift of all, that is forgivness!
If you feel like you do not have this Christmas joy and you mostly long for it to be over, I want to tell you that the greatest gift is for you too. You can receive it and have the greatest Christmas of your life. Not cause you get a buch of stuff or because you heard some carols. But cause you received what its all about!
He came, he grew up, he had no fault in him, but he paid the price of YOUR mistakes and he died instead of you, so that you could live a life full of meaning. If you want to feel what a family is, and what true love from above truly is come to Sos Church at warfvinges väg 26 stadshagen, every sunday 16.00, and get to know more!
Next year can be a brand new start for you, let the meaning of Christmas become something real to you more than just a sweet song!
Merry Christmas to you! And remember, Christmas is a love story, about how God loves you so much that he gave you the greatest gift of all! Unwrap it, receive it and keep for the rest of the year and not just this season! The christmas joy is meant to be a life joy! Once again, merry Christmas!
The people on the train were looking at us, not so sure what they were thinking.
Then a man is getting of the train and all of the sudden he turns to me and says, wow that was amazing and puts 30 kronor in my pocket haha.
On our way to the sub we stop and sing alittle more, for ten minutes.
During this time some more people walk up to us and give us money..a total of 90!
That was so hilarious and so much fun!
We ended up buying 2 boxes of nice chocalte and put it out in the dressing room for those in the show!
It was fun spreading some Christmas joy :)and then doing it even more on the actual show!
What a show, what amazing people! I almost wish it was christmas more often, such a great time to reach out to Stockholm, telling then about the true meaning of Christmas. That Jesus came to give the greatest gift of all, that is forgivness!
If you feel like you do not have this Christmas joy and you mostly long for it to be over, I want to tell you that the greatest gift is for you too. You can receive it and have the greatest Christmas of your life. Not cause you get a buch of stuff or because you heard some carols. But cause you received what its all about!
He came, he grew up, he had no fault in him, but he paid the price of YOUR mistakes and he died instead of you, so that you could live a life full of meaning. If you want to feel what a family is, and what true love from above truly is come to Sos Church at warfvinges väg 26 stadshagen, every sunday 16.00, and get to know more!
Next year can be a brand new start for you, let the meaning of Christmas become something real to you more than just a sweet song!
Merry Christmas to you! And remember, Christmas is a love story, about how God loves you so much that he gave you the greatest gift of all! Unwrap it, receive it and keep for the rest of the year and not just this season! The christmas joy is meant to be a life joy! Once again, merry Christmas!
tisdag 14 december 2010
Promises for new years

Ok, soon it will be a new year and it is time to figure out stuff that you will try n keep during the year. So maybe, just maybe it is time to be a little realistic.
Come on, you will NOT loose 50 kilos and write a book and learn to play 2 instruments and travel half of the earth and become the worlds most holy person in one year. Been there, done that. Does not work.
Another mistake that is common is to put a big blurry goal and then you did not make an actaul plan to reach it.
For instanse; I want to be closer to God, or I want be healthy..ok..but in what way, and what do you need to do to reach it?
I have a goal next year!
I will get my drivers license! So maybe next time I go to the States (after this time I mean) I will actually get to drive my uncles jeep! And oh...I promised to START writing a book..promise you will read it when it is done ;)
måndag 13 december 2010
A fearful Stockholm
Today I was in central Stockholm and the police was there and the people around me, both there and on the subway seem so scared. What happened is something very strange to our nation. Sweden is a place where people feel safe, and where people from warzones can find security. That is a big blessing for all nationalities and I want to keep it that way.
Hug the people around you, encourage the ones from middle east, middle east does NOT equal terrorist. Shine your light and comfort those who are frightened.
We should pray; pray that this will be the first and last time this happened.
That fear will be broken. Pray that rasism will not get a grip because of this.
Your prayers make a difference! So I urge you to pray for Stockholm, pray with me.
Hug the people around you, encourage the ones from middle east, middle east does NOT equal terrorist. Shine your light and comfort those who are frightened.
We should pray; pray that this will be the first and last time this happened.
That fear will be broken. Pray that rasism will not get a grip because of this.
Your prayers make a difference! So I urge you to pray for Stockholm, pray with me.
lördag 11 december 2010
My amazing Stockholm!
Stockholm, a city full of different nationalities, a city full of possibilities. A place that has a pulse, and at the same time a beauty, with peaceful nature.
I love this city, and I love the fact that it is so intergrated.
But today something happened that is not for this city, and does not belong here.
A man blew himself up in central Stockholm, as a threat against the swedish people.
I am not swedish by blood, but I love this nation as my own, and this city where I grew up. This amazing country that let people in. That gives security and help for those in trouble. There are alot of things that could be better, but lets be thankful for all the things that are so great about this nation. Lets erase the us and them and lets take this nation to our hearts and work for a better place instead of fighting eachother, and end this hatred.
I just feel like people need to get more proud of Sweden, and stand up for whats good in this country. THIS COUNTRY GIVES YOU A CHANCE that you could not get in soooo many other places on earth! There will never be a place where everyone will think like you or do everything the way you want it to, but we do not hurt eachother for that. this country speaks for freedom to believe whatever you want and if you want that freedom, do not take it from anyone else.
I wanna build a safe Stockholm, a peaceful Stockholm, a Stockholm I can be proud of.
I just wanted to lift this amazing city when so many speak down on it, cause I love this city. I only want good for this city because this OUR Stockholm!
I love this city, and I love the fact that it is so intergrated.
But today something happened that is not for this city, and does not belong here.
A man blew himself up in central Stockholm, as a threat against the swedish people.
I am not swedish by blood, but I love this nation as my own, and this city where I grew up. This amazing country that let people in. That gives security and help for those in trouble. There are alot of things that could be better, but lets be thankful for all the things that are so great about this nation. Lets erase the us and them and lets take this nation to our hearts and work for a better place instead of fighting eachother, and end this hatred.
I just feel like people need to get more proud of Sweden, and stand up for whats good in this country. THIS COUNTRY GIVES YOU A CHANCE that you could not get in soooo many other places on earth! There will never be a place where everyone will think like you or do everything the way you want it to, but we do not hurt eachother for that. this country speaks for freedom to believe whatever you want and if you want that freedom, do not take it from anyone else.
I wanna build a safe Stockholm, a peaceful Stockholm, a Stockholm I can be proud of.
I just wanted to lift this amazing city when so many speak down on it, cause I love this city. I only want good for this city because this OUR Stockholm!
Party party
Woke up this morning and walked into my kitchen, to find a huge mess! But I love this type of mess, it is the having alot of people over mess!
We had a moving in party yesterday, and it was so much fun! More people came than I expected since we made our invitations two days before. But every room was full with people! It was a great mix of old and new found friends! Thanks all for coming!
Now we have cleaned during the morning and I am off to another moving in party, alot of people moving to theese areas, thats great!
We had a moving in party yesterday, and it was so much fun! More people came than I expected since we made our invitations two days before. But every room was full with people! It was a great mix of old and new found friends! Thanks all for coming!
Now we have cleaned during the morning and I am off to another moving in party, alot of people moving to theese areas, thats great!
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