Went to the amazing Jenssens and company after church yesterday and got to bring my second half Kristina, just in case I needed a safe zone.
But in my naiv belief that all my friends are kind and innocent people I was fooled, beyond reason! They gathered against me, using technologi and made me think that a guy I dont know knew a bunch of things about me..like where I was born, what city my mom is from and how old I was when I had my first appartment..and lots more!
But, finally the truth came out..that they were cooparating, even the woman to my right! Ouch! ;)
Except that little scenario it was a pretty chill night, we stayed until 2 and had to walk home from Masmo to Alby..and we got lost in the middle of the night.
After meeting a nice girl that showed us the way we were finally home at 3 am, and then offcourse we had to eat and talk..
Who said you get to sleep during break?

måndag 28 februari 2011
lördag 26 februari 2011
I was not planning going to youth yesterday..but then I met some really fun teenagers that we invited and so I went with them.
I planned to have a quiet saturday morning, but it ended up with me sleeping over at youth lockdown, wearing the same clothes as I was wearing the entire day..no toothbrush, no cover,and sleeping on the floor! But I got to borrow a sleeping bag and I was just gross for one day. So thats ok.
But IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I forgot how much fun it is to be a teen! Sleepovers, movie nights until mornings, and playing games :)
Aaand eating breakfast in the church together looking tired! Now, that bonds people :)
I planned to have a quiet saturday morning, but it ended up with me sleeping over at youth lockdown, wearing the same clothes as I was wearing the entire day..no toothbrush, no cover,and sleeping on the floor! But I got to borrow a sleeping bag and I was just gross for one day. So thats ok.
But IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I forgot how much fun it is to be a teen! Sleepovers, movie nights until mornings, and playing games :)
Aaand eating breakfast in the church together looking tired! Now, that bonds people :)
torsdag 24 februari 2011
Oh my word

Words create.
When you and I speak, we might not always think of what we say, but the words coming out of our mouth are words that create something in the person that is listening.
The Bible says that (proverbs 12.18) those who not think when they speak, their words are like swords..hurtful. But those who speak with wisdom, their words are healing. One word can make a big difference.
So lets use our words in a wise way, in an up building way. In a way that will be a blessing to other people.
Now, I am not saying that you should be serious all the time, neither that you always have to be poetic and throwing around compliments.
Nahh, be yourself, but make sure you make other people feel comfortable being themselves. Appreciate the people around you, and tell them that.
What you speak, is what you will see in your life.
Speak good things and you will se good things.
Speak what you want to be, like you already are, and you will become what you speak.
And most important, speak the word of God because that makes the biggest difference!!
måndag 21 februari 2011
The food language

There has been alot of talking about different types of love languages in my house..I am not talking dating, I am talking about what makes you feel loved..from a parent, a friend or a partner..
Me and my roomie we were talking, but I could seriuosly not figure out what mine was..I mean, all of them sound important..
But this week my roomie made me a sandwich because she knew I overslept and the entire day I felt so loved and I loved her even more!
Then today a friend brought me food to my rehearsal because I didnt have time to fix anything, and I still feel loved! So what language do I speak? The food language?
But its not even that it is food, it is that they gave me food, when I needed it the most :)I have the most awesome friends!
By the way, I am talking about the 5 love languages from the book that I think has the same title. The lingos are;
Psysical contact
Time and attention
I still havent read the book..but I have heard so much about it, that maybe it would be time to read it.
fredag 18 februari 2011
torsdag 17 februari 2011
onsdag 16 februari 2011
tisdag 15 februari 2011
Plattan people

I think it is so much fun to take time to go somewhere and think..
So I was at the culturehouse library lying on the pillows on the floor staring at the snowflakes coming down..through the window..(they have a pillow area made for that so it is not weird)
And while Kristina and Patricia where eating their chicken, I was looking at all the people walking by at Plattan, and they were looking at me.
And I and Patricia were thinking about how it would be if all those people would be saved. Imagine a saved Stockholm..Yes, I want to see that, it looks nice in my thoughts but would be even nicer in real life.
A new, saved, happy Stockholm :)
fredag 11 februari 2011
Yes, we are the annoying people on the train
I need help!
I am with a crazy woman on the train. She is leaning towards me, looking at me with the crazy eyes and and tries to tickle my legs..not working..
Fortunatly I know this woman..Patricia! But everyone else on the train who don´t know her, their swedish silence rutin is being ruined! Haha!
I am so enjoying this!
I am with a crazy woman on the train. She is leaning towards me, looking at me with the crazy eyes and and tries to tickle my legs..not working..
Fortunatly I know this woman..Patricia! But everyone else on the train who don´t know her, their swedish silence rutin is being ruined! Haha!
I am so enjoying this!
torsdag 10 februari 2011
Lets define passion, it is so common to use this word without thinking through what it actually means. So, I googled it.
Passion. Means beasically you are crazy about something, either it is positive or negative. It means you have no restrainings, and a strong feeling of something is pushing you.
I found synonymes for it and they said: Hot blooded, firey, heated, unrestrained, intense,entusiastic, exited and believe me or not..obsessed or possessed..
Another thing that I found is that the suffering of Christ is catagorized as passion aswell. I love that! His passion for us- his extreme, intense, firey love drove him to be unrestrained in his obedience and sacrifice, he was entusiastic to do whatever it took to be with us! Isnt that amazing!
Being obsessed with something is to think about all the time, is to not see the hinders around you. It is when something infiltrates your emotions and thoughts and colours it all. In most cases that is negative!
But being obsessed with Jesus, being filled with his fire drives you to be a better person, to love like he loved and to live a full life.
Now what is it that gives passion?
I dont know how it is for you, but for me it is when I start to see the small things, when I sense, feel and think alot about something it makes me passionate.
When I investe in it alot I love it alot, and when I love it alot, I get passionate!
Like, the quite worship in the morning, or looking at the stars knowing he created them for me, or a little word that makes the whole day!
Basically passion makes you talk alot about whatever you are passionate about, do it alot, and spend alot of energy on it. It drives you to do more than enough!
I want more passion for God, He has so much passion for you and me!
Passion. Not of this world, but Gods type of passion! To me it is:
P-Pure love
A-All consuming
N-Never ending
Passion! Lets go for it!!!!
Passion. Means beasically you are crazy about something, either it is positive or negative. It means you have no restrainings, and a strong feeling of something is pushing you.
I found synonymes for it and they said: Hot blooded, firey, heated, unrestrained, intense,entusiastic, exited and believe me or not..obsessed or possessed..
Another thing that I found is that the suffering of Christ is catagorized as passion aswell. I love that! His passion for us- his extreme, intense, firey love drove him to be unrestrained in his obedience and sacrifice, he was entusiastic to do whatever it took to be with us! Isnt that amazing!
Being obsessed with something is to think about all the time, is to not see the hinders around you. It is when something infiltrates your emotions and thoughts and colours it all. In most cases that is negative!
But being obsessed with Jesus, being filled with his fire drives you to be a better person, to love like he loved and to live a full life.
Now what is it that gives passion?
I dont know how it is for you, but for me it is when I start to see the small things, when I sense, feel and think alot about something it makes me passionate.
When I investe in it alot I love it alot, and when I love it alot, I get passionate!
Like, the quite worship in the morning, or looking at the stars knowing he created them for me, or a little word that makes the whole day!
Basically passion makes you talk alot about whatever you are passionate about, do it alot, and spend alot of energy on it. It drives you to do more than enough!
I want more passion for God, He has so much passion for you and me!
Passion. Not of this world, but Gods type of passion! To me it is:
P-Pure love
A-All consuming
N-Never ending
Passion! Lets go for it!!!!
måndag 7 februari 2011
Fruity fruit

One reason for making a shopping list before you go to the grocery shop is because EVERYTHING looks so interesting and very eatable, espacially when you are shopping food being hungry.
I bought many, MANY sorts of fruits, some slighty weird.
At least I was a good girl and bought fruit and not chocalate in my hungershopping, Hooray to me!
I now have fruit for breakfast, fruit for lunch and guess what for dinner?
That´s right! FRUIT!!
onsdag 2 februari 2011
Eye shopping

I took a walk in the city today (read: inside the stores) and the spring collection has arrived! Blue, yellow, pink flowerish and so cute shirts and dresses!
Then I walked into another shop with jewelery and ofcourse they are making a big deal out of it cause of valentines..bling bling all over..
Then I walked into a practical store, and were looking for a doorhanger for my room and that I will be buying, even tho the bling bling is tempting! But...
The rest, ALL the dresses and jewelery will be mine in a dream!
So good night!
tisdag 1 februari 2011
Real life-life in Jesus
There are thousands and thousands of children and youth today in Sweden that feel so miserable that they are willing to take their lives.
They live a life full of anxiety,no safe place to be, no one to trust, no one who tells them what life is about.
How do I know?
I used to be one of them.
This is such a cliche if you heard it, but not if you lived it.
Today I found out that someone I knew no longer is alive because of this reason.
That should not happen.
It could have been me.
I could have been the one who had no more strenght left.
The one that couldn´t see what life is for
THE ONLY difference is Jesus.
I was found by God, and I accepted Him in my life, He is the difference!
Now you can say there is no such thing as God, that Jesus never really died for our sake. But I am alive in Him today not by words but by action.
He transforms, he delivers, he gives life, he loves and forgives.
Not only by words but by making a change on the inside.
By wiping away tears, by making a sad person a happy one.
But also by healing from sickness, giving the blind eyesight, the deaf their hearing!
I have seen this, and I have experienced this myself! Not just heard of it.
He transformed me, into a person who is happy now.
he used me, to pray for people who are sick and actually see them healed.
Jesus is alive and he gives a real reason to live.
Why am I saying this?
I dont want to hear anymore that someone died because they didn´t know that their life was so valuable that God himself paid the HIGHEST price for it.
Instead of being so stubborn and and work against God, why dont you just give your heart to the one who will take care of it the best. He protects it, heals it, and loves you.
To good to be true, unrealistic, childish you might say.
But all I know is that I, who once were miserable beoyond words now have a joy for real. A true love in my life.
And that I am not ashamed of. And that I want you to have.
Yes you, you, who have a great life with all the stuff you need but feel unsatisfied.
You, who cry every night
You, who feel pain in your chest when you think of the future.
It does not matter who you are
You can have peace with God today through Jesus
Just pray honest from your heart
Believe in your heart, confess with your mouth and He will hear you!
And please if you need someone, come to Soschurch in Stockholm,
we want to have you there!
They live a life full of anxiety,no safe place to be, no one to trust, no one who tells them what life is about.
How do I know?
I used to be one of them.
This is such a cliche if you heard it, but not if you lived it.
Today I found out that someone I knew no longer is alive because of this reason.
That should not happen.
It could have been me.
I could have been the one who had no more strenght left.
The one that couldn´t see what life is for
THE ONLY difference is Jesus.
I was found by God, and I accepted Him in my life, He is the difference!
Now you can say there is no such thing as God, that Jesus never really died for our sake. But I am alive in Him today not by words but by action.
He transforms, he delivers, he gives life, he loves and forgives.
Not only by words but by making a change on the inside.
By wiping away tears, by making a sad person a happy one.
But also by healing from sickness, giving the blind eyesight, the deaf their hearing!
I have seen this, and I have experienced this myself! Not just heard of it.
He transformed me, into a person who is happy now.
he used me, to pray for people who are sick and actually see them healed.
Jesus is alive and he gives a real reason to live.
Why am I saying this?
I dont want to hear anymore that someone died because they didn´t know that their life was so valuable that God himself paid the HIGHEST price for it.
Instead of being so stubborn and and work against God, why dont you just give your heart to the one who will take care of it the best. He protects it, heals it, and loves you.
To good to be true, unrealistic, childish you might say.
But all I know is that I, who once were miserable beoyond words now have a joy for real. A true love in my life.
And that I am not ashamed of. And that I want you to have.
Yes you, you, who have a great life with all the stuff you need but feel unsatisfied.
You, who cry every night
You, who feel pain in your chest when you think of the future.
It does not matter who you are
You can have peace with God today through Jesus
Just pray honest from your heart
Believe in your heart, confess with your mouth and He will hear you!
And please if you need someone, come to Soschurch in Stockholm,
we want to have you there!
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