måndag 29 november 2010

I am such a rolemodel :)

I work as a nanny, which is a job I totally love at this point of life..anyways a few weeks ago I taught my eight year old a very valuable and important expression: SL minutes,it means that if the minute sign shows a certain amount of minutes it does not necesserily mean that it will come in exactly those minutes. So the expression basically means that one minute can be 3 minutes or ten seconds..it is so so.
So today while we were walking by a train, he says; But Sanna, when we were downstairs the minute sign said 3 minutes, how can the train already be here! and I answer, well you know.. it can change.
And do you know what he says!!!!! He says; Sooo pure SL minutes!!
Hahahaha, I am so proud of him, now I know that I got be part of shaping his life!

söndag 21 november 2010

Smile experiment!

Today Walter was preaching, and it was so good!
He was talking about that God is not limited the way we are, so we need to put our faith in Him! But I espacially liked the part where he said:
Nobody wants to talk to someone who looks grumpy, being sour makes you limited!
So I figured I will take a whole day and really smile alot alot alot towards people and see what the difference will be! Must make a big difference, since it is raining constantly! So I challenge you to try it too, and see if maybe everyone seems alot happier back too, usually it works that way :)

fredag 19 november 2010

Lost all the time

Ok, this is just crazy...how extremly can you actually suck at finding the way!
I have lived in alby for 3 days and the first day we drove around for like 2,5 hours on a route that should take 15 minutes. Then we got lost the second day again!!! And now third day it took me like two hours getting home cause we went too far the wrong way! Tomorrow is a new day, and perhaps I wont get lost...perhaps
At least I am seeing alot of my beautiful city and learning new ways, and get alot of time to get to know my roomie since we always get lost together!

torsdag 18 november 2010

new house

Sitting in my new house, eating from a plastic plate with a spoon. we only have two spoons and one pot! Stuff everywhere, and chaos!
Yesterday was a long but fun day, driving all day getting our stuff,Coffe and Eric helped us out taking the heavy stuff, good thing you have good friends!

I am like a puppy, hugging my room, dancing in the bathroom! Our place is so nice and we are already friends with our neighbour!
Back to packing up!

söndag 7 november 2010

The Norweigan moose

This weekend I went to Oslo for the first time to add some adventure to the everyday life. Me and Maria F took the car at 8.30 pm after she finished working and drove for 6 hours, she was a hero being awake while I was awake but was barely able to talk.
Cute city, very cozy and european. I liked it,bought a little norweigan moose for my fridge. They also have a CRAZY skiing hill that looks like you would die if you go on it, holmenkollen I think was the name..I will never go on it, EVER!!!!

And ohh, this weekend was the first weekend I was allowed to eat sugar after an entire month of sugarfree lifestyle..
The result= I ate cookies and chocalate but I feel like I have an overdose of sugar in my body now..I think I wanna go back to the sugarfree life. I felt so much better and its not even that good, mostly ate it cuz I was allowed.
Well, back to fruit and kesella, fish and bulgur!!! Love it!!

torsdag 4 november 2010

Moving until I move

Today I am moving into Willkanders house while they are in Usa and until I move to my new place.
This year has been crazy, I have lived in 5 places during one year and Alby will be my 6th place.
I have lived in a big room of my own with a huge closet, in a small closetlike crazy pink room where I had to take the bus 6:30 every morning to be on time for school.
I have lived in a big house and shared room sleeping on a madras on the floor, and I also had a cozy room but all my stuff were in boxes.
Then I lived in a one room appartment that was as big as my first bedroom, and I shared this appartment= no privacy what so ever. Now I am going to willkanders guestroom, and then FINALLY I am moving to my own place with a BIG bedroom and TWO closets!
Now I feel that I can relate to that word that says; I can live in the overflow but I can also live in all simplicity, haha..I can live with a suitcase and a closet.