Sooooo, I am trying to write something fun to read but I keep deleting it all the time. Cause I have a pair of turtle doves hanging in the couch next to me, giggling and being way to tired and silly..
A-K: Sanna, it is pretty funny that your blog is still called Sanna Mina Ord (true are my words) when it is in english now..Sanna Miiina Words? (she says it with an american accent..I just just tell her scchh, cause I am trying to write..
Filip: Is just giggling, and forbidding me to write anything he says, cause he is so tired that he is wordpooping constantly, I quite enjoy it actaully.
A-K to Filip: Are you tired?
Filip to A-K I have just started, then he goes; in ten minutes, we have been together for a month!
Ok, now A-K and Filip are realizing that I am writing about them haha, Filip tried to take my glasses away to stop me from writing..
It did not work!
A-K; you can´t feel safe with anything you say in this house
Sanna; responds with nervous laughter.
But in the end they let me keep this important piece of information, and post it :)
I am glad I have friends like that! :)
Ok, I am so distracted i did not even realize the computer battery was dying, luckily I saved to be able to share this with all of you! Luckily, pjuhh!!

fredag 16 juli 2010
tisdag 13 juli 2010

I am loving this extremly hot weather! This is how summer should be, always..300 days a year and the fall spring and winter can share the rest 65 days. So if I ever will get to decide and make my own dreamworld that is how it would be. The only bad thing is that it is hard to get anything done, it is like you are melting away in sun, brainwise...I guess a siesta would do some good. Now there is a picture to make ya all thirsty and remind you to drink enough
lördag 3 juli 2010
Bzzzzzzzzzzzz, SMACK!

I am a pretty happy person, I consider myself positive. Not to many things make me angry and I try to have patience with the things that do.
But there is one thing I can NOT stand!!!
Why on earth do ALL the mosquitos pick me, even when there are like 10 people to pick instead of me.
No matter where I go,no matter the time of the day and no matter how much I try to avoid them, they are there with a fork and knife ready to eat me alive!
Theese evil creatures should be extinct once and for all!
....I just needed to get this pain off of my chest! I know there are more people out there who feel my pain..just hold on, and be strong...
Camping on the porch!

A few days ago me and Linnea decided to build a home made tent. We used all we could find; chairs, table, rope, bedsheets and see through drapes for that extra touch! I have to say we made a pretty good job, it looked like something from aladdin, and was even nicer from the inside!
At around 1:30 am while Linnea is already sleeping and I am upstairs I hear this big KABOOM!!! fireworks? A minut later AK tells me Coffe is standing outside our door, and when I get down I see that so does Albert and Diego, they just thaught they would come by to wake me and Linnea up with some noise! But to their disappointment I was not alseep and Linnea did not wake up! But atleast we had some fun company for an hour or so :)
The next day we decide we will invite the boys instead, and we made a tent for them aswell. A bigger one! But when they show up it is 2 am and they had to wake me up cause I fell asleep on the coach waiting for them.
So we camped on the porch that night, sooo cozy!!
The following day we had a big nice breakfast before we made a little roadtrip to Sigtuna, to a sweet beach where we spent most of the day!
Tonight we will probobly build a new tent, me and Maria, wanna join? ;)
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